Chapter 20

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Wayne: Fuck... Naomi's here and wants to know who I'm talking to

Vic: Naomi? Meredith's kid sister Naomi?

Dylan: Oh I guess you haven't heard... they're a thing now

What!? Is she even 18!?

Vic: Is she even 18!?

Thank you, Vic. Suddenly a ceasefire was called across my internal, mental warfare. Every single cell in my brain was fixed onto the thought of little Naomi dating a very much older Wayne.

Wayne: She's 19 now but thanks for your concern

Vic: Wayne that's messed up even for you

Wayne: She's the one who initiated it!

I still was left wondering how the hell they even became a thing. I did the math In my head, she had to have been 13 when Meredith was kidnapped. We went out of our way to avoid getting her involved. She was still in middle school for Christ's sakes. Whenever she saw us, she would try to butt in, even threatened to tell on us if we didn't involve her. So most of our discussion went to group chat where she couldn't listen in. Sure, she probably did grow and mature quite a bit since being the whiny, bratty teenager that she was, but I couldn't even imagine her as anything else.

Vic: Dylan!

Dylan: What?

Vic: Tell me you're against this!

I remembered Eli complaining that Dylan wasn't doing enough while Meredith was missing, but I knew he spent most of his afternoons acting as a diversion to make sure Naomi stayed away from any trouble. He'd join her in the fruitless group searches through the forest, stayed with her until Naomi's parents returned home at night. As much as it frustrated him, Dylan wouldn't have been able to live with himself if something had happened to Naomi. She was already his little sister.

Dylan: I... I have no comment

Wayne: Thanks bro

Dylan: I can't tell if you're being serious or sarcastic...

Wayne: But seriously what do I tell her?

Vic: You're the one who said she's 19! Clearly she's not a kid anymore!

Dylan: If it's one thing I learned with both sisters over the years, you can't tiptoe around conversations like this.

Wayne: ...

Wayne: Rainbows and unicorns it is

Dylan: Let me know how that goes for you

Vic: You don't think it's strange though?

Vic: Dani and Eli being in the news together now?

Dylan: Eli, no. Dani, yes. Together, definitely strange.

Dylan: From what I heard she ghosted him as well

Vic: No not that... the timing of this news

Uh-oh, Vic don't go down that path. Don't start looking for connections.

Dylan: I'm not sure I follow

Vic: Really? You don't remember what happened exactly six years ago?

Dylan: Oh...

Dylan: Shit that's today?

Wayne: Seriously? You're that bad with dates?

Dylan: Quit acting like you remembered. I know you're just as bad as I am!

Wayne: But Meredith must be a mess right now? Naomi definitely is!

So was I. Still was too.

Dylan: Meredith has a lot of bad days

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