Chapter 29

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Dani: Hi guys. I know you have questions and I promise I'll answer them later.

Dani: First I want to say I am sorry for not talking to you after all this time.

Vic: DANI!

Vic: OMG @everyone get in here!

Vic: Don't worry about it, girl! It was a hell of a time!

Wayne: Hey

Dylan: Hey

Vic: Hey? HEY? That's all you got for her!?

Wayne: Um... wassup?

Dylan: How's it hanging?

Vic: Seriously?

Dani: Let them quit while they're... um whatever that is

Wayne: Well I assume this ain't a social call

Wayne: If it is you're six years late

Dani: Yeah I know

Dani: I'm sorry

Dani: I should've said something

Dylan: Dani, no one is mad at you. It was a difficult time for us all. We all had different ways of coping with it.

Dylan: I guess what I'm trying to say is we wish you let us help you

Wayne: Yeah it hurt seeing you beat yourself up

Vic: Absolutely!

Dani: You had your hands full with Meredith

Wayne: So? We have plenty of hands to go around!

Vic: ...

Wayne: Please tell me that didn't sound as wrong as it looks...

Dylan: ...

Wayne: I'm trying all right!?

Vic: Look we're happy you're here now

Vic: No matter what we're rooting for you

Vic: Always have been and always will

Wayne: Damn straight!

I pursed my lips as I could feel tears threatening to fall.

Dani: Shit I miss you guys

Meredith: We miss you too Dani

I don't know why but Meredith's sudden appearance caught me off guard. Had she always been there? Why didn't she say anything earlier?

Meredith: Sorry I only just caught up on the convo

Dani: No prob

Meredith: Oh and hi Dani!

Meredith: So glad to hear from you!

Meredith: Especially with everything that we've been hearing

Vic: Yes! Tell us what's going on!

Wayne: Did you kill him?


Dylan: dghnbter

Wayne: ?

Dylan: I just hit my forehead on the keyboard so hard I blacked out a little

Meredith: Oh babe! Are you ok?

Wayne: Ok but seriously

Dylan: I'll live

Wayne: Did you?

Vic: Dani, you don't need to answer that!

Dani: It's ok. I didn't. But... oh fuck I don't know how to say this...

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