Xavier forced a small smile. "And I'm guessing that's when Daniel pointed Zayn in the right directions."

"Yes. We had already found the key behind your name on the office door, but we didn't link it to the lamp. Zayn knocked it out of the window twice to find out there was something inside."

Xavier scoffed. "Of course. How else?"

Liam chuckled. "So, after finding out that Daniel had your journals and the missing papers, I went to the town to see old friends while Zayn went to Daniel's farm. During that time, we got ambushed by Mira and her Rogues."

"Mira was your old friend, right?"


Liam's sharp tone didn't go unnoticed. "She was a very cunning human, very manipulative. She might have been your true friend once, until you became valuable to her."

Liam moved to Xavier's front, softly moving the top of his hair back to look neater. "I'm just glad this is all over. Its been a long two years, and a long nine years for my parents."

"It has indeed."

Their eyes connected. Xavier looked at him as though Liam was fascinating; a puzzle he had to figure out. Liam felt like he knew him well already.

"I came into the pack when it was at its worst. You coming back will change everything"

"I know. How has Zayn been as an Alpha?"

Liam chewed the inside of his cheek, not wanting to throw Zayn under the bus. "It's a burden that crushed him in the beginning. But he's growing. He'll listen to an explanation before punching someone in the face."

Xavier grinned, reaching up to feel his cleanly shaven jaw and short hair. He looked more and more like his old self. "He does seem a lot calmer, and a lot more approachable." Xavier's fingertips smoothed his hollow cheeks.

"Thank you for cutting my hair, Liam. If you don't mind, I need help getting to the mirror. I want to know what I look like, so I can prepare myself for all the stares."

Liam struggled to hold him up as they approached the mirror above the sink. Liam was limping and Xavier was barely able to shuffle each foot more than a tile's length. Xavier gripped the sides of the sink, staring at himself with wide eyes.

"By the moon's turn," he gasped. "I look like a ghost... but not completely horrendous." Xavier turned his head left and right. His jaw was more defined than what it had ever been, his neck was small and tight, his cheeks were hollow, and his eyes were sunken and tired and drooping.

"You'll be back to your old self in no time," Liam beamed.

"I hope so, but I can't hide out here until I get healthier." His eyes circled his face once more before turning away from the mirror. "I'm so desperate to see Solana."

"I can't wait for her to see you." Liam gleamed at the thought of their reunion. Xavier's stomach then gurgled. "Zayn might be back with food."

Liam helped the best he could with Xavier. He was very tall like Zayn and they bumped the wall a few times before entering the bedroom.

All seven Omegas were on their feet, gawking at Xavier.

"Wait till I'm sitting down until you swarm me" Xavier joked. As soon as Liam plopped
him on the bed, the Omegas were all over him, crying, asking what had happened.

Xavier waited until Zayn returned with soup before he gave an explanation.

"Two years ago, I knew I might die, which is why I hid my journals and some impotant information at Daniel's home. His farm was the perfect place. I could visit often without it being suspicious, and Daniel was very private. He was quiet about knowing too much, so Mira never sniffed him out, though he never sniffed her out either. She hid her secrets very well, and I think because Mira was already friends with Liam, it was less obvious that she was working with the enemy, but maybe more obvious if we knew Liam's parents were alive."

Everyone looked to the couple who were spooning their soup like they hadn't eaten in days.

"We have known about werewolves for a long time. Well, only a few months before Mira captured us, but that was nine years ago now," Spenser said, putting his empty bowl on the bedside table. "We found out because of Harry's parents."

"Were they hunters?" Liam asked with his spoon hovered by his lips, and a thumping heart.

"With them, it depended on what side offered them the most money. They worked with the wolves to keep rumours down until Mira connected a bond with Jaiden and they started plotting to take over the North. We had been dragged into it because Sylvia thought they were stealing money or getting it illegally and tried to snoop. They were our friends at the time and told us about the werewolves. Back then, talk of werewolves living close were stories rooted in every family. The old locals loved to tell you about them, so when we found out, it wasn't the biggest shock in the world. Though we were surprised to find out that Harry's parents were working with Mira for a plan that we knew would only end in tragedy. We begged them to stop and well, Mira and Jaiden didn't like that. On the camping trip,
the night we were taken, we got ambushed by Rogues and they obviously didn't know who they were supposed to take, so they tried to take all of us. Harry's parents strongly resisted, and Harry's  father got killed. We were really badly injured and woke up in various different places until we eventually ended up in the Bedlam Packhouse."

Liam sat opened mouthed. "I don't know why I'm surprised by that."

"I'm not surprised at all." Zayn grumbled. "Harry's  parents were working with Mira. I suspected something similar."

"How is Harry?" Liam's mother asked.

"He's mated to Zayn's cousin, Louis."

"Wow," Spenser breathed. "I wonder if he knows the truth about his parents."

"I want to tell him," Zayn muttered. "It'll be so fucking satisfying."

"You don't seem to like him very much," Sylvia observed.

"Because he made Liam's life hell in Ethdellin Town."

"He'll be devastated"' Liam mumbled, "knowing that my parents are alive, while his father actually died. His mother's a broken woman too. Mira probably threatened all kinds of stuff for her to stay quiet"

"He might be less devastated knowing that his parents were working for Mira," Xavier added.

Liam chewed his lip and fidgeted. His shin throbbed, his ribs ached, and his face was hot from bruising.

"I want to tell Harry about his parents."

"No," Zayn said bluntly.

"Yes," Liam argued. "He deserves to know everything. He might be a... narcissistic dick, but he deserves to know the truth."

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