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The alarm besides Andy's bed went off again as she opened her eyes, this was the third time it rang this morning, she snoozed it the last two times it went off, somehow hoping to prolong her sleep by a few minutes, like that ever worked. Andy stayed a few seconds in bed before finally pulling the duvet off her body and walked lazily to her bathroom. The holiday was quite long, she almost forgot how bad she hated waking early.

Today was the first day of a new school session, meaning new faces, new subjects, new classroom, literally new everything, that's when she remembered she
was now a senior,

"Ss3 finally",

She whispered to herself smiling internally. She had a feeling this year was going to be different, and not just because of the freedom she'd enjoy as a senior, but it was her final year in high school, she could already smell the drama, sex and liquor, Andy smirked to her thoughts .

As an SS3 student in CVH you had special privileges, you were allowed to stay home on days you didn't have classes, and even leave school before the closing time, if you had no lectures for rest of the day. They would have their last school summer vacation, and the school always made sure it was special every year. You could wear you regular clothes to school on Fridays if you wanted, and some other things she didn't care about.

Well that's for school, now the home privileges thats what Andy actually loved. Her curfew was extended and she could go out on school nights too, meaning she had drive herself anytime she needed to go out, she didn't need a driver anymore, but her personal favorite was that she could have female visitors come up to her room and actually lock the door if she wanted. She wasn't going to be supervised or anything, she had her complete privacy now.

Andy smirked again as she brushed her teeth she had made a mental decision that she was going to have fun this year, she didn't even need to worry bout her grades, she was well above the grading score, so high that even if she choose not to sit for her final exam, she'd still graduate as one of the best in her class. All the hard work did actually pay off she thought to herself as she stood under the glass shower, enjoying the feel of the warm water on her skin. Now all she had to do was focus of the positive , she couldn't allow her head get in the way of a fantastic school year.

Standing under the shower her mind wandered back to a time when it was so hard, she felt she had to give up basketball so she could study. She couldn't keep up with practice and school was so hard, plus her mind wasn't taking it easy on her either and she missed out on a bunch of school work, it felt like her problems where getting worse.

It was really hard year, she had to sacrifice her social life completely. But somehow she made it through and didn't even need to quit basketball. Nobody knew this but, that experience really helped her, it was her personally battle and she scaled it, now whenever things seem hard she just remember this and it keeps her going. Andy she would never forget that year, she sighed as she let the water run down her body, it felt good......

Then, her mothers sharp voice brought her back to the earth ,

"Andromache, hurry up and have your breakfast, you'd be late to school on your first day"

Her mother yelled.

She didn't have to answer, she knew her mum knew she awake. She was just being a mom as usual. Andy stepped out of the shower, pulled the towel from the rack, dried herself and walked into her closet.

She'd gotten new pairs of uniform too, the old didn't fit anymore, she grew a few inches taller and the summer gymed paid of really well. Her abdomen ripped, girls liked to obsess over her abs, this was definitely gonna drive them crazy she thought smirking, she wondered if one of the new students was hot well that would just be the icing on the cake.

BLOOD ON THE HALLWAY Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ