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Castlevannia High School wasn't just a school it's was the school, think Harvard, Oxford, Cambridge, now Castlevania was the high school of high schools, the Harvard of colleges. You couldn't name the best schools in the whole of Africa and not mention Castlevannia. It was always among the top 5 , all the time, no exception, after all it wasn't termed "The centre of Excellence" for nothing.

I mean presidents of countries, high ranking military officers, Senators, CEO's, Bank presidents, I'm talking multi- multi-multi billionaires, their kids flooded the corridors of the prestigious Castlevannia High. It was the dream school of any African teen and even other countries outside of Africa, if you attended Castlevannia, well there's one thing for sure, you were never  going to be or even allowed to be a bottom feeder.

Castlevannia wasn't just known for its reputation of educating the children of wealthy, it was also because of its extremely high academic standards and excellence. Failure wasn't allowed  or even an option here, just like the slogan clearly states "THE CENTRE OF EXCELLENCE", it was the breeding ground for absolute and total excellence.

In CVH (the famous slogan), if you performed poorly your parents riches or influence, couldn't save you, no one cared who your parents were, if you couldn't meet up to the schools academic standards, you were getting dismissed immediately.

Now being dismissed from such a prestigious school isn't a reputation anyone would want, especially if your parents were well-known and  important, it would be incredibly embarrassing and leave a stigma on your name for quite a long time, you'd be refused jobs or opportunities as people would automatically see you as a failure, a dull child, a weakling.

It even affected  your parents too,  you see wealthy people think and act a certain way, they believed in energies and how it affected their lives and experiences, they believed that interacting with the rich, powerful, positive, successful, and healthy individuals, they subconsciously and actively attracted the same energy of that person towards themselves and became richer, more successful, healthier and more powerful, and you can bet it worked. I mean this was the basic law of the universe, sadly simple minded or ignorant people could never know this or even understand how to use it.

Well now on the other hand, nobody wants a looser or failure around them they attracted negative energy hence the parents were shunned too.  They were perceived to raise weaklings, or couldn't handle training upright and successful children, hence they themselves were considered incompetent. It went both ways, both the parents and children/child had to endure this stigma, of course that was the worst kind of embarrassment especially with the elites.

In CVH students feared failing exams way more than their laziness to study, they couldn't afford to embarrass themselves or worst their parents like that, it wasn't even an option. Hence, no one needed to overemphasize or remind them on the importance of their studies, every single student at CVH knew what was expected of them, and that only increased  the schools academic excellence and reputation.

If  you think these kids where playing around being spoilt kids while their parents money and influence paved there future for them, oh how wrong you where. Yes they had time for fun and games infact fun was included in the academic curriculum, they had school lessons where students even played video games and competed in tournaments against thier teachers and other classes, it was always beyond

CVH personally encouraged them to be social, and have fun when it was time for that, but they also understood how to separate play time from work time, the balance was respected. And that's why the school in all its 45years of existence never graduated a student who failed or wasn't excelling in their individual careers. Every single ex-CVH student succeeded in each of their fields individually and there wasn't an exception.

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