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Everyone who knew Andy knew she was extraordinary, not just because of physical features stood out, or that she could stare at you and erase the all thoughts in your mind, I think and  would be a mess for days, she just had this strange magnetic aura about her and it wasn't familiar, nobody had ever possessed such calm but strong essence that they knew of, it was all new to everyone who came across Andy.

You see she wasn't bullied for it like other unfortunate kids, she was actually respected and admired, it's like she hypnotized everyone and nobody could challenge her, it was as if everyone was afraid of her and they couldn't point out why, she had this power over people naturally.

She wasn't even the prettiest girl in school, or the richest, not even the smartest, but she stood out so effortlessly above everyone it seemed she was born to be perfect, she had the power to command attention to her without even doing anything, she could leave you in awe, without even saying a word, it was both intriguing and intimidating.

Andy stood 6ft tall, nice broad but slender shoulders, a narrow waist and defined abdomen, straight long legs with just the right amount of muscle, and of course the killer Jawline, the few people who had seen Andy smile probably thought she'd seen something close to God.

She was athletic, and of course it was because she played basketball, her smooth caramel brown skin that always looked good; nobody had ever seen her with break outs or spots on her skin, it was legit flawless, she had nice hazel colored eyes to compliment her skin tone, with a strange dark stare that could intimidate anyone, black curly hair which was always getting in her face, the fell onto her forehead and hooded her eyes a bit adding to be mysterious look she had, small pouty lips; now everyone complimented her lips; they had a natural dark line underneath the pink soft flesh of her button lip, most girls used liners to create  that look, but Andy literally had it naturally given to her and she didn't even care about it.

Andy was strikingly beautiful but her beauty wasn't the regular beauty most people had, it was the perfect blend of feminine and masculine, sun and moon, ying and yang, it was  as though God decided to make the perfect combination of two sexes, as if he was trying to make another kind of human, a hybrid some would say, whatever God had in mind when creating Andy, he definitely succeeded beyond measure. Andy was a sight to behold.

Most people said her lips where the most attractive thing about her, but secretly she liked to think it was her mind. Andy didn't really care about what most teenagers cared about, she grew fast mentally and even though she'd never like to admit, it was the main reason she didn't talk much, she had never met one person who she actually enjoyed talking to, Andy was way above her peers intellectually.

Yes she was smart, but not the book kind of smart, more like she had general knowledge and most things and knew how to solve problems adults wouldn't, she had a very sharp wit, could read a room quickly and could pick up on strange or weird energies around her.

Her intuition was off the charts, she could always tell if someone was lying and she still couldn't explain how she knew, she strangely just knew. Andy was beautiful and very attractive, there wasn't a doubt about that but her attractiveness went beyond her physical, she had this intimidating energy around her, maybe it was because she walked so gracefully, slow but confident steps almost as if she knew she could get anyone's attention.

Maybe it was her hypnotic voice, not too feminine nor masculine either, just the right mix of both; besides she barely spoke so it made it more mysterious and sexy, always left you wanting more.

Or maybe it was how she could handle and carry herself so gracefully but still effortlessly without a single care in the world, she lived like she was the sun to the world and everyone needed her sunlight to survive.

Andy wasn't arrogant or rude, or stuck-up and proud, she was just Andy, she was herself now that's what make her stand out, she was completely her person she wasn't trying to be someone else, she was authentic to herself without caring about anybody's opinion or approval.

Now that is what made everyone stare at her in awe when she walked down the hallway in school, or the cafeteria during lunch break, or when she was standing against a book shelf in the library totally engrossed in a book, they mostly found her authenticity most attractive.

So yes she was popular, she hung out with the other popular kids, was invited to all the parties, had tons of admirers, Andy could literally just wave at a random normal kid, and that kid would have a day in the limelight.

Yeah she was that kid, that was a fact her life was perfect and she couldn't complain about a thing, I mean she was a straight A student, the mysterious drop dead gorgeous major league basketball star player; everyone knew but could never figure out, sexier than even the word sexy, rich parents, switched between driving a Tesla or Lambo to school, wore all the latest kicks and clothes to school, she could have anybody she wanted, she was the literal definition of a popular loner her calm demeanor, mysterious aura, and striking features could drive anyone crazy, she owned  the bad girl reputation like she invented it, she really had it all....

But why did she always feel like she wasn't supposed to be here? Why did she having this unquenchable thirst for something she couldn't even put a finger to, she couldn't tell what she was longing for, but she longed for it every single day since she could remember and it only got worse, why did she feel out of place, why did she feel so unhappy? She hated herself because of this feeling, it made her so mad that she felt this way and worst of all it was because she couldn't name a single thing wrong with her life.

She tried not to think so much but it was getting harder, she did a lot of activities to get her mind off the thinking, extra studies, extra ball practice, played the piano, draw and paint till she ran out of paper, but it was always there the burning ache, it lingered like the cologne on her clothes even after weeks, she knew she had it good and was grateful but this aching made her feel she was ungrateful and she absolutely hates it.

She didn't want to seem ungrateful, not everyone was as lucky, so she shouldn't be feeling this way, it made her feel like she was weak, and if there's one thing everyone knew about Andy, it was that she despised feeling vulnerable or showing any kind of emotions, she hated being called soft, or cute, she hated hugs or physical contact, she absolutely didn't like to show any kind of emotion to anyone, not even herself.

She made it a habit every morning to say herself in front of her mirror, " I'm not weak, whatever I'm feeling isn't important, it's only a phase, it doesn't affect me in any way, it's insignificant", and she said this every for the last 2yrs, but it wasn't working. She doodled and sketched it at the back of her note pad, she'd once been so deep in her mind she unconsciously wrote it down in her biology notebook, of course which drew the attention of the teacher to her.

Now it was a daily struggle trying to quiet down the voices constantly talking in her head. She felt like she was going crazy, but why couldn't she talk to someone? wasn't there anyone she could trust?, well she didn't, she had lots of friends, at the same time she didn't have a friend.

Everyone thought of her as a Demi God, as perfect, as a star born, an elite destined for definite greatness. In everyone's eyes they all wanted to be like her. Nobody knew the battle she was fighting daily, she walked with her head high and eyes cold as ice as graceful as ever. Oh she was an expert in disguise, the absolute master of it, but how long could she keep it up for?, she was still only human and a child.

But as the saying goes "not all that glitters is gold" that's how Andy shone her light on everyone, but what they thought was light was actually a growing wild fire, no one could see was a raging storm big enough to sink ships and cause tsunamis, her mind was in chaos and she knew.

If you could actually see what she was fighting and suppressing, they'd spend months trying to figure out how she could keep such a calm demeanor and battle her demons at the same time, never once slipping, completely perfectly suppressed, if anyone could see how the handle it so perfectly, they'd  be terrified of their bones. 

I mean a mind that could remain absolutely calm and still have total control of their emotions in the midst of a huge thunderstorm, knowing fully it wouldn't take a second for a wave to tear them to pieces, now that might just be the most powerful and most dangerous mind to ever exist.

Andy was definitely something!

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