But if he could spin the fall in such a way as to get the public on his side, the Anti-Scout faction within the walls could be weeded out. He just needed more time.


Levi landed right beside him as he oversaw the scouts spreading across Shiganshina District.

"Do you have anything to report?"

"Yeah. Garrison soldiers are scared shitless, Eld found a sandwich at the bottom of the wall and the Titans seem to be concentrated on the right side of Shiganshina for some reason."

Erwin raised an eyebrow at the strange detail about the sandwich. Levi looked at the commander with dead serious eyes.

"That's odd..." The commander mused to himself. "I would've thought they would've been attracted to the people exiting the gates."

"That's what I thought too. It looks like some soldiers prioritized saving lives than sitting on their ass crying."

"Where was the sandwich?"

"Huh? Don't tell me you want to eat that shit. It's cheese and fucking salami."



"Sigh...Right side of the wall, where all the titans are."

"Thank you."

What the hell are you thinking Erwin?


This was a horrible idea.

After checking that my horse was still in place and hadn't run off into the great beyond, I returned to running around the rooftops of Shiganshina.

The right side of the district was the most desolate, perfect for—


I heard the deafening crunch of bones and the slushing sound of flesh being compressed into blood and guts. Turning my head towards the sound, I could see a 9-meter titan munching on some trapped civilians.

Should I save them?

Or should I keep my distance and watch the titan feast?

Again, why do titans eat humans? Besides other apex predators, like Polar Bears, which are confined to the arctic regions and crocodiles, who are opportunistic hunters, among others, there hasn't been a predator that I can refer to and possibly dissect the Titan's behaviour from.

A simple deformed and humanoid creature that feeds on humans for no apparent reason. What goes on inside their guts? Do they go to the bathroom? Do they have a digestive system?

If I can get my hands on a titan, a small one would do, and cut them up to bits and examine what's going on inside their bodies, maybe I can find a way to properly deal with them.

"Sigh, rejoice citizens of Shiganshina...Ayanokouji Kiyotaka himself is curious about the creatures that eat you..."

Classroom of The Elite x AOT: Wax WingsWhere stories live. Discover now