Vol 1.7 - On a Farm

Start from the beginning

But in this world, where high-ranking officials and nobles alike are lying and hiding secrets on the magnitude that they are—wouldn't it be easier to kill the bastard child and the mother as soon as possible instead of running the risk of everything getting out? Beyond parental instinct, what is the benefit of having a bastard child running around?

A spare maybe? No, bastards don't get titles or land. Maybe the mistress knows? The kid most definitely doesn't.

"What is this...? Church of the Walls...what...?"

I should drop by and visit.



Frieda inhaled suddenly in surprise at seeing Historia with a strange man, not much younger than her, she surmised. She blinked in confusion, even rubbing her eyes a bit, but she was not seeing things.

Historia was happily sitting on the man's shoulders, giggling and chatting with him. The man had brown hair and was fairly tall, taller than her, maybe. He was dressed as simply as the other farmhands who worked here, but something was off about him.

Frieda's big sister instincts were screaming danger as she glared at the man next to Historia in grave worry. She did not recognize this man having ever worked here from her countless visits, which was a big red flag in her mind.

Not only that, but Frieda knew for a fact that Historia didn't have any other friends here, lest any people who cared enough to engage her in casual conversation. Paranoia gripped the queen's mind as she clenched her fingers in barely restrained anger, feeling rage that this sinner would dare come near her little Historia.

Frieda didn't know who this bastard was, or what sick plans he had for her beloved Historia, but she would make him regret coming here.

All she had to do was get close, easy enough for the beautiful and friendly Frieda Reiss to do. Then she could use her Titan's power to erase his memory to hell and back. Then she would take control of his mind, and send him packing.

So with a quick adjustment of her sunhat and a look of grim resolve, Frieda walked calmly toward the strange man and Historia. It took all her willpower to keep the rage off of her face, with a polite smile forced as the two noticed her approaching.

Who knew what ungodly and wicked things he had already filled Historia's head with? Who knew what awful things he was plotting to do to her? Frieda would have to do damage control after she was done dealing with him.

"Hello, you two! Beautiful day isn't it?" Frieda called out. Not an extravagant choice of words, but she just needed to stall for time. The Queen of the Walls confidently held her head up high as Historia and the stranger both took notice of her.

Frieda felt both happiness that Historia's adorable eyes were on her again, and anger that the man seemed to be checking out her beauty. Perhaps she would kill him once she had sent him far away into the woods nearby, just to ensure that he couldn't threaten the little girl she loved more than anything else.

"Hm? Oh, hello," the man greeted to which Frieda ignored with a barely hidden scowl of displeasure. The man's voice was monotone and flat, his eyes were a shade of brownish-yellow, bordering on gold.

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