Vol 1.6 - Historia is Alone

Start from the beginning



My investigation led me to old letters and correspondences exchanged between the Reiss family and the government. At first glance, these letters seemed innocuous—accounting records, and minor complaints from peasants, farmers, and estate workers. The typical paperwork of a medieval-esque world.

My eyebrows furrowed as I delved into one particular letter. It appeared to be from a higher lord, requesting the Reiss family's assistance and urging them to visit their estate with their family and guards.



This puzzled me. I sifted through more letters, seeking clarification regarding the strange request. Why did this higher lord seek the Reiss family's aid? What made them significant beyond their order to kill me? A theory took shape in my mind.

It seemed that in this world, lords and noble families collaborated more frequently than in my own. They wielded substantial power, possibly having overthrown a weak king in the past, akin to the nobles in the Kingdom of Hungary in 1222 with the Golden Bull.

While the Reiss family might be exceptionally powerful for mere Counts if my theory held water...sigh...

I continued my investigation, picking another lock and opening a small drawer emitting a faint, wood-like smell. It seemed untouched for a considerable period, maintaining a fresh scent.

Ironic, this is the cleanest thing I've seen since coming here.

Inside were a few papers, which I perused with a mundane chug. So many discarded or half-written letters.



Seven years ago... six years ago... eight... nine... ten...

The time measurement in this world was peculiar. It didn't follow the Western calendar or the Japanese imperial system. Despite my limited understanding, I couldn't deduce the starting point for this calendar. Did it operate for 365 days, as well?

We were in the year 845 AC. Despite multiple mental simulations, the meaning of EC eluded me. Even with my restricted knowledge, even asking locals, I should have been able to piece together something.

No one knew what AC meant.

"Huh? What is this?"

My unconscious murmur disrupted the eerie silence of the night as I examined a letter from ten years ago. I momentarily glanced towards the door before looking deeper into the note.


My Dearest Alma,

I must extend my sincerest apologies for the necessity of sending you away. I trust you will find the estate more than accommodating; it is, after all, my own. Although this letter is concise, I wish to emphasize that you hold a place near and dear to my heart, and that sentiment will endure—I can only express these emotions through this medium. The choice to distance ourselves is dictated by my profound concern for your safety, driven by my unwavering love for you.

I pray for your continued well-being and that of our beloved Historia.

With Warm Regards, Rod.

The letter concluded abruptly, and I found myself pondering its implications.

First of all, disgusting.

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