Chapter 16

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The minute Rex exited the portal and landed on Rizakith, everyone present felt it.

The dragons immediately made way to the capital castle.

'Our Master has returned.'

The people, merchants and even kids all felt it. Their Master had returned. The one who built this utopia of a world.

"I shall inform Lord Lucifer of your return." The demon kneeled and vanished.


Garth was too excited to the point he went head first into the ground.

Rex saw this and laughed.

"You must've missed me a lot huh?"

Garth prostrated before Rex with tears in his eyes.

"This lowly dragon greets his Master."

While Rex was rubbing Garth's head, the other dragons also landed.

"Welcome back Master."

Rex smiled. It was good to see them again. 

Fenrir was still on full alert. At the first sign of aggression he was prepared to bite their heads off.

"OI Fenrir it's been awhile" Garth spoke happily.

Fenrir only nodded.

"Is something the matter?" Garth asked.

Before Fenrir could speak, Rangor kneeled before Rex.

"It's good to see you in such good health Master."

"Rangor..... where is she?"

"I'll take you to her. Lucifer is already on the way there." Rangor bowed and a teleportation circle formed beneath his feet.

"Master, at the slightest of aggression I will stall them. Do not mind me and just escape." Fenrir whispered.

Fenrir knew that if it wasn't for Rex he would be long dead by now. He would live this second life for his master's sake.

Rex sighed.

"I don't think anyone betrayed us."

Fenrir looked at him funny.

"Did you forget that I possess Odin's crow?"


One half of Odin's crows Muninn. It perched itself on Rex's shoulders the minute he landed and let him see what was going on since he left.

"This place is...."

Rangor opened the door and ushered Rex in.

"She is waiting."

When Rex walked through the door and into his room, he saw Infernus who was bedridden because she was going to give birth anytime soon.

"It's been a while" Rex smiled as he held her hand.

"It's really you." Infernus sniffled.

"If you had told me you were pregnant, I would have never left you." Rex caressed her.

Infernus chuckled.

"I didn't want to keep you away from your family. So? Did you meet them? It's been a really long time so maybe you managed to find their graves?"

Rex sat down and told her everything from the beginning.

"I see." Infurnus spoke.

"That means you'll leave again right?" Infernus continued.

Returned After 10000 YearsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz