Chapter 9

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Monsters again began pouring out from the gate.

"How long till the reinforcements arrive?" Chasey asked while killing one ogre.

"10 mins" Kassa responded.

Chasey sighed and looked at Rex.

If he wasn't here they would probably be dead by now.

Rex was holding onto a sword as he cut through the monsters as if he was cutting through paper.

The people present all saw this and were stunned.

This was beyond S rank. He could very well be the strongest S rank awakener in the world right now.


The sound of a troll hitting against a wall resounded throughout the area.

Kassa and Chasey were already on their last legs but Rex looked as if he was unaffected.


Sounds of another monster wave started to get louder.

"You have got to be kidding me." Chasey complained and stood up.

Rex put his hand up.

"You guys can continue resting. I'll handle this."

"Are you insane?" Kassa blurted out.

The corpses then began to move.

Kassa and Chasey were immediately on high alert.

"Didn't we kill them already?"

"Calm down. Its my ability." Rex answered.

Although he didn't want to expose too much of his abilities but it couldn't be helped for now.

The corpses sank into Rex's shadow and came out of it seconds later.

"Advance" Rex ordered.

The monsters that were absorbed immediately charged towards the monster horde and death cries could be heard.

"You're pushing it Rex." Infinity warned.

Ananta's power already drained him significantly but using Ashborn's power on top of that was basically suicidal.

It would be a completely different story if Rex had his old body though.

Rex approached a monster that was on the brink of death and placed his hand on it.

The monster could be seen losing his vitality and getting dried up.

This was the power of the Vampiric Poison Lord Ananta. Its power involves turning your blood into a deadly poison that can kill monsters in seconds and it replenishes the blood lost by merely touching the living subject.

The only downside was that the subject must still be alive.

"I remember that I had to kill that mosquito 5 times" Rex chuckled.

"Since when did you manage to regain Ananta's power? I recalled you telling me that you only had Ashborn's." Infinity asked.

"I had no idea when I awakened it, I only realised when I accidentally cut myself in the morning." Rex answered.

Rex turned and saw his soldiers tirelessly wiping the monster horde.

"I should turn somemore." Rex mumbled as his shadow expanded.

Chasey and Kassa were looking at this scene and wondered whether was this real life?

Rex could already use his blood and turned it into a poison and now he has the ability to reincarnate the dead monsters to following his will?

"I can see how he managed to clear the Timeless Ravine by himself." Kassa spoke.

Chasey agreed. With these powers, he could definitely clear a high level gate by himself.

"Did Grade 2 gates really have this many monsters?" Rex questioned them.

The both of them nodded.

"Grade 2 gates are more of the quantity over quality kind. They normally have an assortment of monsters and they rarely only have one kind of monster." Chasey explained.

Rex nodded.

However, it didn't sit right with him.

Even for a broken Grade 2 gate, for this many monsters to run out...... was it perhaps on the verge of evolving to a Grade 1 before breaking?


The last of the monsters were killed.

Rex also began turning them.

"Not too bad, these monsters will add to my fighting strength" Rex mumbled.

"Why is the gate still there?" One of the students spoke.

Rex, Chasey and Kassa jumped to the roof of the building and could clearly see the gate not decreasing in size.

"Well thanks to the monster horde we at least don't need to look for the gate." Chasey joked.

"The two of you stay here, I'll go" Rex declared.

However the other two didn't even dare to object.

"Sure but the other S ranks are probably going to be here soon though." Chasey advised.

"Its fine. Tell them to just go in once they arrive." Rex answered before jumping down.

He walked through the gate and was shocked.

"This place is......"

"Jarmung" Infinity cut in.

"Looks like we have the answer to the reason on why so many monsters were rushing out of the gate" Infinity continued.

"To think it was connected to the Prison of Eternal Damnation." Rex sighed.


A wolf's howl could be heard.

[The boss monster has detected your presence.]

Rex drew out his sword and summoned his army.

Monique was standing by right behind him.

"Find it then report back to me, go."

His army then dispersed only Monique stayed by his side.

As Rex began exploring the place his expression started getting darker and darker.

"What's wrong?" Infinity asked.

"Its nothing. I just hope that I'm wrong."

These claw marks and fur that was all over the place and that howl. All of it pointed to one being but its impossible.

Rex walked into an open courtyard that was stained with blood and limbs of other monsters.

"What the hell happened...." Rex mumbled.

Was something happening back in that world?

A growl could be heard getting louder as Rex saw his soldiers tugging something towards him.

When Rex saw the wolf, tears started to form in his eyes.

"Rex??? Whats the matter?" Infinity questioned in a flustered tone.

The soldiers made sure to bind its mouth and made sure to secure and limit its movements.

"Fenrir...... how could this happen to you..."

Rex approached it but was stopped by Monique as it began growling towards Rex.

"Don't you recognise me?"

The closer Rex got the more aggressive Fenrir became.

"Whats the fangs that could even pierce a God doing in a place like this?" Infinity questioned.

Rex kept silent. This confirms it although he wished it wasn't true.

"I've been betrayed..."

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