Chapter 12

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After the incident at school people saw Rex in a different light.

They saw him as a figure of divinity, a being that was capable of singlehandedly clearing a high level gate by himself.

"Hey, you don't really care about those looks you've been getting?" Kassa asked.

Rex shrugged his shoulders. He was used to it so it really did not affect him that much.

Rex was scrolling through his tablet till he abruptly stopped.

"What's wrong?" Chasey asked.

Rex passed the tablet to Chasey.

Chasey read it for a while then just scoffed.

Seriously, they don't even know that its because of the awakened that society has not collapsed yet and now they want to restrict them?

"I can see now why the old countries collapsed when the dungeon first appeared." Chasey sighed.

Countries like America and Britain were dissolved and renamed due to awakened leaving due to their bad treatment.

"This place would have been part of Europe right?" Kassa asked.

Chasey nodded.

Sadly, countries with large land like Russia and China were forced to disband and rename themselves as their land is too big and there was not enough awakened to go around.

Europe was one of them too.

"I envy those small countries." Chasey reminisced.

Korea reunited and Japan was able to stay as they were due to them having the most number of awakened.


"Thats the bell lets go." Rex stood up.


A figure was seen resting on his chair.

"Brother are you awake?" Infernus peeked her head in.

Lucifer stood up and smiled.

"Whats the problem?"

Infernus slowly walked in.

"I'm worried about the child."

Lucifer sat Infernus down.

"Belial has assured me that the baby is safe. Don't worry so much."

"But..... a human demon hybrid has never-"

"Have you forgotten? He is anything but human thanks to the dragons modifications." Lucifer cut her off.

She smiled. Her brother always knew what to say to her at times like this.

Lucifer looked out the window and saw the children all running and smiling.

This world was painted in his master's image but he wasn't here anymore.

"Is this a bad time?" A calm voice sounded.

Lucifer turned and motioned him in.

"What is it Beelzebub?"

"My familiars have started to go quiet."

Lucifer paused.

Not many things are left in this world that could hurt Beelzebub's familiars.

"Are you certain?"

Beelzebub nodded.

"They suddenly went silent like they were destroyed."

"There is more." Another lean and short figure walked in.

"Nef? What brings you here?"

"Fenrir's life spark has changed colour."

Lucifer silently laid on his chair as if hoping it would just swallow him up.

"Wait..... what do you mean by change colour? Is that even possible?" Infernus asked.

Nef bowed to Infernus before answering.

"Fenrir has a bright blue spark but as of this morning it suddenly changed to a jet black."

"As for your question..... I'm not sure either." Nef continued.

Lucifer rubbed his temples.

A life spark can only be extinguished. Changing colour is unprecedented.

"We need to check on him." Infernus spoke.

Fenrir was Rex's favourite pet, if something were to happen to him how would they answer him when he returns.

"I can't. We lost all contact with Fenrir ever since we sealed Rizakith." Lucifer answered.

Lucifer dismissed Beelzebub and Nef.

"I'll be back."

He made his way down into the castle basement before stopping at a really large and wide door.

The two guards bowed to him and opened the door.

A single angel was chained and its white wings have turned into bright red due to it being torn and regrown.

"Its been a while Lucifer." The angel smiled.

Lucifer kicked the angel.

"You know something. Don't you?"

The angel shrugged her shoulders.

"All I can say is that a war is coming. The hole left by your master is too big and tasty to pass up."

Lucifer thought about it for a while.

All this time no one dared to even rebel because Rex was here. He was the symbol of pure terror to his enemies and a saviour to his allies.

"And also....." The angel continued.

"Your master did something he should never have because now all of you are going to pay the price for it."

Lucifer grabbed the angel.


The angel only smiled and laughed.


Lucifer threw the angel against the wall.

"So much for being the Lord of Wisdom." He mumbled.

When Lucifer exited.

"Make sure that the chains are tightened to the max and make Raphael cough up new information."

The two guards bowed and got on it.

Rex did something he should never have?

Was it the possession of the INFINITY code?

Or him returning to his homeworld?

Lucifer clenched his fists.

If only he was still here....... everything would have been fine.


A demon with two horns woke up in a blue cave.

It examined the surrounding area then began looking for the exit.

A lizardman hesitantly approached it.

"Who are you?"

The demon sized up the lizardman.

It flicked his fingers and the lizardman's head exploded.

"I have no time for such nonsense. I need to find Master Rex."

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