Chapter 15

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Before the demon could descend and approach Rex, he was pulled to the ground by Fenrir.

"You are...."

The demon bowed.

"Forgive my insolence. Lord Fenrir."

Fenrir laid on the ground.

"It's fine. Master will come here shortly. Just be patient."

The demon bowed further.

"As you wish."

A few minutes later, Rex walked to the open clearing in the woods where the demon and Fenrir were waiting.

When the demon saw Rex he kneeled before him.

"This lowly demon greets the Master."

Rex looked at him.

"If I'm not mistaken you're one of Lucifer's?"

Rex opened his eyes widely.

"Are the worlds connected? Which gate did you come from?"

The demon kneeled even lower.

"Forgive me Master but I was taken here by Lord Asmodeus's power."

Rex paused.

"I see."

The worlds weren't connected yet.

'Wait a minute.' Rex thought.

"What's wrong? Why did they send you to me?" Rex asked.

"Please return Master." The demon begged.

"Lord Lucifer and the rest of the Devil Lords are barely able to function since you were gone and also Lady Infernus is-"

Rex grabbed him.

"Infernus? What happened? Is she okay?"

The demon was visibly perplexed.

"Yes Master. She's fine, it's just that she's pregnant and it's your kid Master. She knows that you want to be with your family but she hopes that you would be there for her child birth."

Rex was stunned.

"She's pregnant? But she never told me before."

"You idiot." Infinity complained.

"She probably wanted you to go see your family. She put you first instead of her own needs. You're a lucky man Rex." Infinity continued.

"Can we go back?" Rex asked.

The demon nodded.

"Anytime Master."

Rex thought about it and nodded.

"Okay we will do it like this. Wait for me outside my home and let me pack a few things."

"Sure Master."

Rex hurriedly went back home and didn't even stay for the rest of the festival.

"Rex? You're back early."

Rex rushed into the room and started packing his bare essentials.

'It's not like I'm going on a holiday.'

"Mother? Can we talk?"

Rex's mother turned around.

"Sure what is it?"

Rex scratched the back of his head.

"Is it okay if I go somewhere for a while?"

Rex's mother looked at him funny but then smiled.

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