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"You're not permitted to enter the patient's room," The nurse says, two days later after the shooting incident.

She didn't allow me to enter Lev's private hospital room because I wasn't a relative, or somebody important to him according to Lev's family.

I was desperate to see him. He had saved my life after all, and I had no idea how I could ever repay him.

Lev had been in surgery for long dreadful hours, because the bullet had gone deep in his shoulder.

He had survived... but he hadn't woken up yet, and nobody knew when he would. That was the only information I got about his situation.

I had waited outside the waiting room ever since they got him into surgery.

I was scared and stressed, pacing back and forth, until I was also forced out from the waiting room because I wasn't a relative or somebody of importance to Lev.

Another reason was that many people waited outside the waiting room, and it became crowded, too many people waited for Lev.

They threw out the ones who weren't family members, somebody like me.

"But-" I began to argue, but got cut off by the nurse.

"You're not of importance or a relative to Mr. Mikhaylov. You're not allowed to enter the hospital room, his family is already with him." The nurse warned me one last time.

Lev's family were gathered in the hospital room, even his ex-wife, Ana was there, along with her family, simply put, Lev's ex-in-laws were also there by his side.

The nurse spared me one last glare, before she stormed inside his hospital room, and closed the door in my face.

The guards on each side of the door glared at me. They threatened me not to come closer to the hospital door, or else they would ban me from the hospital.

I sighed, running a few fingers through my blonde hair, and walking away from the private hospital room that was in an excluded VIP section.

I could wait until Lev's right-hand man arrived tomorrow because he was currently in Russia, sorting Lev's business and tracking down the person who shot his boss.

The right-hand man was on his way to New York City, and I had his phone number, and would call him once he arrived tomorrow morning.

I will see Lev tomorrow when his right-hand man arrives, and that thought calmed me down a little bit.

I took the elevator down to the first floor, walking past the busy halls of the hospital, until I stumbled along a pharmacy in the hospital that caught my eye, because they were promoting new pregnancy tests.

My eyes drifted to my bloated stomach, I hesitated to buy a pregnancy test, because this was a bad time, a very bad time.

Lev was hurt, and somebody tried to kill me, twice, and one of those times was my father.

I gazed at the pregnancy tests, It would be better to go on with it, take a pregnancy test, rather than allow my own thoughts to eat me alive.

After I gained some courage, I decided it was time to do a pregnancy test, even if the situation wasn't the best, but my life wasn't the greatest from the beginning.

I walked into the pharmacy, brought myself three different pregnancy tests with cash, because nobody could trace me that way, and headed inside the nearest public restroom.

A while later, after doing my business, I put back on my comfy boxers along with my sweatpants.

I stayed in the bathroom, and sat on the closed toilet, waiting for a few minutes for the results from the pregnancy tests.

Pregnant by the Mob Boss {18+}Where stories live. Discover now