hand in marriage

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As I was getting ready head out to the new club with Juliette my Best friend since we were just a kid

My Father called "it's 7:25 why the fuck is he even calling in this hour"I said to my self

"Hey Father, what do you want?" respond annoyed

"Hello my precious" he replied, I hate that nickname my father gave me

"Why are you calling me?" I asked still annoyed

"I need you to stop by the office now "he demanded

"No, I'm going out"I answered

"I'm your father and I demand you to come" he demanded, but in a scared tone

"Fine I'm coming!" I shouted with annoyance and I hung up

I went out to my car and Drived to my father office while calling Juliette, she answered in an instant

" Heyy girl are you ready yet" she answered with a sassy tone

"Yeah about that, my stupid father called me out of nowhere asking me to go to his office" I replied annoyed

"That sucks I'm already ready" she answered Disappointment in her tone

"Maybe tomorrow" I replied

"Sure, just promise were actually going" she Answered

" Yeah promise, I have to go now I'm outside my father office "

"Sure, bye girl"

I walked to the building making my way to the elevator,While in the elevator there was a man he was tall and pale with Jet black hair and Ocean blueeyes, with 3 piercing a side labret, nose piercing and a eyebrow piercing he looked maybe 3 or 4 years older than me


The elevator stopped at my father's office I got out of the elevator and so did the man, I opened the door to my father's office and the man followed

When my father saw me and the man he immediately said "I see you already meet each other" with a big smile looked up at the guy he way Grinning "sort of I guess"he said still grinning but now he was looking down at me "what do you mean sort of mr Collins"my father asked "please just call me Hunter Mr Gray and and do your Daughter know staring at people without permission is disrespectful"

"WHAT THE FUCK IS GOING ON"I Screamed in confusion they both stared at me "She don't know" the tall man that I know now is Hunter asked

my father,"Know what " I asked

My father pulled me away to His Balcony"excuse us for a minute" my father said to Hunter his voice worried."For the last 5 month the company has Been experiencing loses,so I had to borrowed money to the dangerous mafia and now I have to Pay them but I Don't have the money" my father explained "Soo" I asked " So I need to trade you to him" my father said his tone was sad "WHAT" I shouted my Blood Boiling
"But don't worry I will get you in a month or so " my father said trying tried to calm be Down but I wasn't even listing anymore. "YOU DON'T HAVE A CHOOSE YOU HAVE TO DO THIS YOU HAVE BEEN A BRAT SINCE YOU WERE BORN THIS IS THE ONLY THING YOU CAN DO TO HELP" my father shouted, this was the only time my father Raised his voice at me and I was scared so I had to do it "FINE IM DOING IT" I shouted back trying to hold back my tears

My father Grabbed my elbow, Hunter was already sitting and using his phone
" Excuse me Hunter my daughter would gladly accept your hand in marriage" my father said fear in his voice I looked at my father and whispered "what do you mean hand in marriage" "Just shut up" he whispered back

"Well that's great to hear" he grinned my father whispered "don't say no and do what he say ok I want you to be alive when I get you back ok" "sure" i whispered back, "So we should get going Darling" she said seductively my father gave me a little push telling me to follow him,I had no choice but to follow him.

The elevator down was so silent it felt awkward "well why aren't you speaking to your husband Darling" he finally spoke breaking the silence " your not my husband you weirdo" I said firmly
He Grabbed my neck, "you should watch your mouth when talking to me if you don't want to get hurt " he said angrily and he finally let go of my neck, he threw a golden ring with a Big Diamond at me thank God I catch it "wear that every wife and husband have a ring" he said Demanded me to use the ring


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