You Move in With Him (Donnie)

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Decided on the 3rd person swap occasionally

Enjoy I like Donnie :)

My dad had found out that I had snuck out and now he's in my room yelling at me. See in a normal sense, this would be understandable but since when does he even care?

"You've ignored me my entire life but when I finally do something wrong, now you're in my face about it?" My speak up. I immediately regret what I said as it only makes him scream more about how I should be grateful for everything blah blah blah.

Everything nice I have I've worked for myself.  They were the bare minimum parents. Don't worry though my little brother has the newest everything, clothes, electronics all that good stuff.

He yells at me some more about being grateful and a bunch of other things and I can't help but break down and cry when he leaves.

I suddenly hear a tap on my window. It scares me and I jump. I get off the floor and slowly approach the window. The closer I get the better I can see the person standing there. It's Donnie!

I open the window and he comes in.

"Hey y/n, I'm here to see if you wanted to- hey what happened?" He asks noticing the tears. I try to come up with some stupid excuse on why I'm crying but I can't and just break down some more.

Donnie tries to comfort me but I'm a crying mess. We suddenly hear steps coming towards my room and I quickly push Donnie into my closet.

My brother bursts through the door holding a bucket of popcorn. "Hey, heard mom and dad screaming at you all day. They finally noticed you that's something right?" My brother mocks laughing at my misery.

"Heard someone talking, who was in here?" He suddenly asks. I swallow a hard lump in my throat. "No one stupid get out of my room," I tell him and he shrugs. "Fine. DAD!! Y/N HAD A GUY IN HER ROOM!" He screams and struts over to my bed, plopping down like he owns the place.

My dad just suddenly appears out of nowhere and comes in screaming.

"Where's the boy?! Who do you think you are having guys in your room?! I will not have a sl*t under this roof! Pack your things and get out!" He screams and suddenly he's on the ground. All I see is a flash of green.

My dad was on the floor and this guy was towering over him. He had dark brown hair, and pale skin and was dressed in dark blue jeans and a purple sweatshirt.

"I suggest you watch your mouth." He says in a low scary tone. Donnie's voice!! That's Donnie!

"D-Donnie?" I ask and he turns to face me. His eyes go from this dark red to his original reddish brown color. "Yeah hi y/n sorry to intrude like that but he was saying some nasty things," he turns to face my dad again.

"I was just here to drop off a book I borrowed and here you are talking down on her, I don't think she should stay here, get out," Donnie spits, and my dad squirms and struggles to get up as he runs off.

He suddenly turns and looks at my brother who's shaking in fear. Donnie is pretty intimidating. He's tall and fairly built, he's kinda hot. Um, wait no stop brain.

"You gonna leave or do I have to remove you myself?" Donnie glares at my brother who shakes more and screams again. He suddenly takes off running out of the room. Donnie follows him to the door.

He closes and locks it. With that he takes a deep breath and turns to face me, he smiles weakly as if that act tired him out.

"I-I don't understand you're.." I struggle to get out a sentence. "Human? Yeah, it's just something I've been working on it'll take months to complete fully. Thank god he left I'm out of time," with that a green light surrounded him and he shifted back into his turtle body.

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