Your First Date (Donnie)

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Me and Donnie have been texting each other nonstop about everything going on in our day. He's a scientist! That is so cool! He told me about all the cool experiments he was up to and I told him about my boring day at school which he found super interesting for whatever reason.

I also gave him a few notes I had about the book. He's so smart. Not the "I'm smarter therefore I'm better than you" kind of smart. Just smart and so patient and kind.

He's very quick to admit when he's wrong. He fact-checks himself all the time and I think that's a good human trait. We scheduled to meet in the park today. We're having a study date! He needs to focus on his experiments and can't do them at home. Something about annoying brothers I think.

I just need to get a bunch of science homework done which he said he'd be more than happy to help with. His words exactly were "Oooo high school homework. You gotta let me take a crack at it" It was an interesting response but I thought it was cute.

As the time rolls around to 8. I crack open my window and make my way out. I don't know why I bother going out of the window. Not like anyone would see me leave anyway...

I RUN to the park. I barely ever run but I was just too excited to walk. I had unlimited oxygen while running but as soon as I stopped at our spot I wanted to die. My lungs burned. I began a coughing fit and was breathing hard. I suddenly see a water bottle rolling my way.

"You alright?" I hear from the bush. I chug the water down and gasp as I finish feeling so much better. "Yup, wonderful. Sorry, I ran a little too much" I say the first bit sort of sarcastically. He laughs.

"Didn't have to race here I wasn't going anywhere" I try to picture his smile as he laughs.

"Hey, Donnie? Do you maybe wanna come out of the bush? I nervously ask him. I hear him sigh like he knew what was going to happen.

"I can't come out but I guess you can come in. But before you do I have to warn you. I don't quite look like... A normal person maybe start slow?" as he says that something in my mind is putting together that I already knew he was different. Not quite... Human? Maybe I'm insane.

"Okay?" I crawl over to the bush. I slowly reach my hand in and keep it there for a while. Nothing. For a moment. Suddenly I feel something touch my hand. I think it's his hand. It's big and warm. I slowly enter the bush with my eyes closed. He must see this and guides me until I'm right in front of him.

"Alright just.. Just don't freak out." He says and I nervously smile.

I slowly open one eye. But once I get a glimpse of him my eyes are both wide open. He's a giant turtle. My brain was yelling run but I stayed right there, my eyes going back to their original look. That's when I look into his eyes. They're a beautiful reddish-brown color. I stare at them for what seems like forever.

I lift my hand again in front of him. He nervously does the same. His hands are big and he's only got 3 fingers. But they're warm. He's alive. This is real. You can't hallucinate this kind of heat. I close my fingers over his hand and he does the same. As I hold his hand he stares at me. I can feel my face start to heat up.

"What? Am I not what you expected" I say looking to the side. I've always been self-conscious of what I looked like. "You?? I thought you'd be running away screaming by now but no... it's just that... You're beautiful" I look at him and he's looking down, face completely red.

I couldn't take it anymore. He was too cute. I take my other hand that's not holding his and place it on his chest. I'm still trying to be sure I'm not dreaming. He looks up curiously.

I feel around his chest and I think he got what I was doing because he takes my hand and guides it slightly to the left. There it is. His heart beat. It's going slightly fast but I get that so is mine.

"You're alive and real" I didn't realize I had said that out loud until he chuckled a bit. "Ha yeah I know it's hard to believe but if you didn't wanna hang out with me anymore I'd completely understand," he says I could see the sadness in his eyes as he said that. His frown sent a pain through my heart. I lean forward and kiss his cheek.

"That would never happen," I tell him. He smiles a big goofy smile. I can see the slight gap between his top teeth. It's super cute.

"I'm glad you feel that way because it's nice hanging out with you" his smile is enough to light up the whole room. Or Bush I guess. "Question though. How do you get here without anyone noticing you?" I ask and he laughs.

"You know? I have no idea." He thinks for a moment. "I do take high ground though, that I can tell you." He continues. I look at him confused.

"I can show you." He offers. I'm cautious but I slowly nod. He pulled on my hand I didn't realize was still holding his. I blush at this. He peaks out of the bush ever so slightly and I'm guessing the coast is clear because he pulls me out.

"May I?" He asks. I smile and nod. He lifts me bridal style. Oooo. He suddenly turns around and takes off running. Suddenly he jumps up super high. He's making his way onto the roof of a building. The tall building has nothing blocking the wind so I'm directly hit by the cool breeze of New York City.

He takes off running again jumping from rooftop to rooftop. I look around after I stop being too scared to open my eyes. It's dark so the beautiful lights of the city are all on. I admire the twinkle of the city along with the stars and moon. It's beautiful.

I didn't realize he had stopped running until I looked at him. He's staring at me with a kind smile. He realizes he's caught and looks away blushing. I giggle.

"Thanks for bringing me up here Donnie. It's beautiful." I say looking back out at the city again. He looks at me puzzled and confused. I use one of my hands and guide his face so he looks out upon the city.

I watch as his eyes light up. Like he's been up here plenty of times but this is the first he's seen of it. His beautiful eyes sparkle as they reflect on the lights. I wrap my arms around him and hug him tight.

"Thanks again Donnie," I tell him and he holds me tighter hugging me back. "No thank you. I've never realized how beautiful New York could be." He says pulling away. He just stares at me the whole time. I can't help but go red as he does. I look down and he nervously laughs.

So much for the study date because we spend most of the time on the roof looking at stars and talking about constellations and eventually our lives until really late. He drops me off at home around 4 am.

I woke up the next day to all the stuff I left behind at my window with a note.

'Forgot these in the bush, so much for me trying high school homework. Oh well, there's always next time. If you wanted there to be a next time I mean. Haha, I'm rambling. It was an amazing date. I can't wait to do it again if you want... Yea uhh talk to you later

- Donnie'

I smile and put his note on my desk. I think about our date the whole day and text him back that I would love to do this again. I've already begun planning a proper one.

I can't wait to see Donnie again. In the meantime though I have to hear from my family again. They came into my room as I was getting back and grounded me for sneaking out. They've been screaming at me since yesterday.

I can hear my dad make his way up the stairs. Here we go again.

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