You Move in With Him (Leo)

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After my date with Leo, I was caught coming in through the side window. My parents started screaming at me for leaving without telling them. I told them I left to train, a lie but not unbelievable. They saw right through me.

"You're lying. You're not even sweating. If you were actually training then you weren't training hard enough" my mother says crossing her arms. They tell me all the time, that it's not training if it doesn't hurt to breathe after.

"Pretty sure this is some kind of abuse somewhere," I say rolling my eyes. My parents did not like that.

"It isn't abuse to want your child to be the best and work harder than everyone else," my father says crossing his arms. "He's right so either you worked light or you snuck out and you're dressed a little too nicely to have been training," she said and I felt a lump in my throat. Shit. The makeup.

"Whoever this delinquent is you're seeing it stops right here and now," my father says getting up to leave. I feel my blood boil at that. "LEO ISN'T A DELINQUENT!" I shout and I instantly cover my mouth. They both snap their heads in my direction.

"Leo? What kind of name is Leo? What's his family's social status? Who are his parents? Does he work?" They started grilling for personal questions and I snapped at them. "None of your business!" My father walks up and slaps me for that. He snatches my phone out of my hand and opens it up. I protest shouting for my phone back but my mother holds me in place.

The phone starts buzzing. "Who are you calling?" I ask. He ignores me and I keep asking.

"Hey Y/N! What's up?" It's Leo!

"Leo!" I yell and my father slaps me again. "Shut up! Who is this and how do you know my daughter?" My father demands. Leo's silent on the other end.

"What was that noise? Did you just hit her?" Leo's voice was low. Not quite angry but not happy either. "I do whatever I please now how do you know my daughter?" My father sternly asks again.

Leo is silent and suddenly the phone goes dead. My father scoffs. "Yeah you're not seeing this boy anymore," he says tossing my phone back at me. It hits me in the stomach and I pull away from my mom scrambling for my phone.

My parents yelled at me some more about how I would never talk to Leo again and then left to go do something else. When they're gone I text him.

'Leo? It's y/n sorry about that, it won't happen again, I'm sorry he called you'

I sent that text and there was no reply for 10 minutes, I began to think I'd never hear from him again. My father scared him off. That is until I hear a loud knock at my window. I'm confused for a moment but the knocking continues and only gets louder so I rush over before my parents hear.

I pull back the curtain and it's Leo! I snatch the curtain completely open and open the window. He wastes no time climbing in. "What are you doing here?" I ask turning to the side. I don't want him to see me like this. He turns my face with his finger and I'm forced to reveal my red cheek to him. His eyes go dark. Like all the light and kindness is gone.

He heads straight for the door. I try to pull him back but he's way stronger than me. My legs are so much stronger than my arms. He swings the door open and looks through the hallway looking for a way to go. He starts heading right in the direction of the stairs. I started panicking. Oh god, what do I do?

He suddenly stops. He's at the corner before the stairs and he's listening. My parents are at the bottom of the stairs and they're talking about me.

"What are we gonna do about her?" my mother asks my father who I can hear pacing back and forth. He does that when he's super angry. Right before he comes up and hits me...

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