The Five Finger Discount

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Once again, another routine day at the mall and you're chilling at the usual spot with your pals and all eyes are on "lazy bones" Jonesy, who's chilling without a care in the world. And the wannabe player has a reason to be chill and you can guess why.

Jonesy: "Working at the coolest store in the mall, it's like... I'm finally where I belong. I know, I know, you all wish you were me."

Nikki: *sarcastic* "Yeah, that's right, I dream about it every night."

Y/N: "Puh-lease, if I wanted to be like you, I'd be lazing in my room all day playing video games all summer and eating pizza."

Jude: "But how'd you get hired for such a sweet job after being canned everywhere else?"

Y/N: "Oh yes, do tell." *grins smugly*

Jonesy: "You just gotta know how to market yourself, my good man, a good resume opens doors."

Y/N: "And then slam shut right in your face."

Wyatt: *checks resume* "Isn't this your resume."

Jonesy: "Hey, give that back!"

Wyatt: *blocks him while reading* "Says here you were Volkswagen salesman of the year and chairman of the "Save The Lobster" campaign? Impressive."

Jen: *disapprovingly* "Real mature, Jonesy."

Y/N: "Seriously, you make Loki look more honest."

Jonesy: "So, once I prove myself on the job, my resume won't matter anymore."

???: "Yo, Jonesy."

Jonesy: "Quiet! Here comes my co-workers." *sits down, puts on shades, turns to bosses* "Christo, Blade!"

[Blade is the short guy with messy brown hair and Christo is the big guy with the buzzcut blonde hair]

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[Blade is the short guy with messy brown hair and Christo is the big guy with the buzzcut blonde hair]

Blade: "We're going skydiving tonight, thought you'd like to join us for a jump."

Jonesy: *slightly nervous* "A jump... out of a plane?"

Christo: "Yeah, it says in your resume you're Junior National Skydiving Champion."

Blade: "Then, we're on for tonight."

Christo: "We pack our own chutes. Don't forget your crash helmet."

The two boys in black shirts then head off to their jobs while Jonesy sits there looking like a deer in the headlights.

Jonesy: *smiling nervously* "I'm so there! Yeah." *shakes fearfully*

Y/N: "You're... so... FUCKED!"

Nikki: *puts hand on his shoulder* "It was nice knowing you, Jonesy." *walks off to work*

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