A Lime to Party

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Another glorious day at the mall, another dollar to earn. And Jonesy is looking as happy as a Smiling Critter... minus the scary stuff.

Jonesy: "Man, that party was off the hook last night! *to Wyatt & you* "Dude, why didn't you guys come? There were many fine honeys there and what do you guys do? *to Wyatt* Sit at home, obsessing over one girl, *to you* and lounging around in your living room all night long, playing video games and watching cartoons. What's so great about this Serena chick anyways and why not play with the honeys?"

Y/N: "Look, Jonesy.. .even if I wanted to go, which I didn't, I would rather prefer some peace and quiet back at home. Plus, my mom likes to go places, too with all her female friends. And whenever she's out and about, I gotta watch my little brother at all times. If I were an only child it'd be a somewhat different story."

Wyatt: "Props, man. Also, I can't explain it, she's just... amazing."

Y/N: "Meh, she's okay. But, you know... I'm still kinda holding a torch for 3 ladies I know."

Jonesy: "Dude... tell me it's not..."

Y/N: "Sorry, Jonesy, but it is. Besides, I can't help it. Jen's strong, smart and independent, Nikki's a sassy vixen who's honest and sexy... and I mean she's brutally honest. And then there's Caitlin, she's adorable, like a little cherri blossom in the awakening of Springtime."

Jonesy: *laughs* "That... was so corny."

Y/N: "Say what you want. At least I was raised to respect a beautiful lady, faults and all."

Suddenly, Jude skates up and slides past you, looking all psyched out of his mind.

Jude: "Ah YEAH!!!" *bowing, chanting* "WEASEL! WEASEL! WEASEL!"

Wyatt: *sarcastic, while grinning* "Oh yeah, the Mighty Weasels are in town, rabies and all."

Nikki: *hugs Weasel cardboard cutout, flirty* "Hey, boys."

Wyatt: "You know that's just a standee, right?"

Y/N: "I once knew of a guy who was afraid of Celine Dion music store standees, but it's kind of a silly phobia."

Jonesy: *chuckles* "Wow, that does suck."

Jude: "It may be a standee, but even their image captured on cardboard leaves me humbled and small."

Wyatt: *to Nikki* "Got your tickets, yet?"

Nikki: "No, I slept in a tent outside the mall two months ago, because I love the great outdoors."

Y/N: "And I thought people camping outside the movie theaters to watch Twilight: The Eclipse was ridiculous."

Nikki: *getting in your face* "What was that, loose lips?"

Y/N: "What? I'm just saying, what's so great about a movie involving vampires and werewolves? Have you seen that one Burger King commercial where that lady was all "TEAM JACOB!!!" Honestly, people go gaga over the stupidest of things sometimes."

Nikki: *boops you* "Go ahead, keeping like that. You might actually get a flood of angry fangirls wanting to come after you."

Y/N: "I'm not afraid of them, it's you I'd be more worried about."

Jonesy: "Okay, if we're done talking fiction, then keep your eyes on the J, 'cause today, I'm gonna find the perfect job. But first, a coffee."

Y/N: "Oh goodie! I wonder how long he'll last this time."

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