Deck The Mall

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Ah, Christmas time in Canada. It's in full swing and luckily, for you, you got the day off from work, which is perfect time for you to pick out a gift as a Secret Santa... PSYCH!!! The reality is you already is you already ordered the present. The only issue is it won't arrive until some time after Christmas is over.

Y/N: "Now that I've finished my Secret Santa shopping, I should probably browse around."

You explore the mall some more and just as your passing by an elevator, you can hear what sounds like Jen screaming her head off inside... guess she's really pent up.

Y/N: "Damn..."

Jen: *elevator opens up, she sees you* "Merry Chi-- Y/N!"

Y/N: "Merry Christmas, Jen."

Jen: "Thanks. Hey, did you get my gift?"

Y/N: "Already taken care of. But it won't be coming until a little later, like some time after Christmas is over."

Jen: "That's alright. At least you got it. Sadly, I gotta get back to the Penalty Box and... help out the customers."

Y/N: "I think you could use a break. Wanna join me?"

Jen: "Thanks."

You extend your arm out to her and she wraps both of her arms around yours, clinging to you as you guide her to the food court. Jen could feel herself blushing. Being this close to you and holding onto your biceps... she almost let out a cute squeal.


After arriving at the food court, she decided to slump down and rest at the usual hangout spot with the others where Caitlin and Jude are decorating the Big Squeeze.

Caitlin: "So, what do you think?"

Jen: "You really wanna know? *sits up* "I hate it!"

Caitlin: "Snappish, are you okay?"

Jude: "Yeah, you don't look so good."

Y/N: "She's had a rough day at the Penalty Box, guys. To put it simply, her boss is being a pain in the ass, making her do all the work and she's had to help 3 customers at once."

Caitlin: "Ouch. I'm sorry, Jen."

Jen: "It's not just that, guys. The real issue is I just can't seem to get into the holidays this year."

Jude: "This is the first Christmas since the big parental split, huh?"

Jen: "Yeah."

Caitlin: "That's so harsh."

Y/N: "Wait, your parents split up? Oh no! *sits down with her, comforting* Jen, I am so sorry for what you went through."

Jen: "Thanks, Y/N. I really need that. But that's not the worst of it."

Jude: "What do you mean?"

Jen: "We didn't wanna tell you guys, but... Jonesy's dad and my mom are kind of... dating."

Y/N/Jude/Caitlin: "WHAT?!/Whoa/No way!"

Caitlin: "Why didn't you tell us?"

Jen: "I don't know, I just don't like picturing my parents going on dates, it's weird."

Caitlin: "It's totally weird."

Y/N: "Not just weird, it's pure utter madness!"

Jude: "I wonder if they kiss with tongue."

Girls: "EW!!! JUDE!"

Y/N: "...OKAY, MOVING ON!!!"

Jude: "What? Did you think they were gonna stay your innocent little parents forever?"

Galleria Rizzler x Autistic Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now