The Slow and the Even-Tempered

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We begin our chapter with Jen, sitting inside a bus outside the school's football field out in the parking lot. The school's team is about to take off for a big game.

Cheerleader 1: "Can we say "hey bus driver, could you speed up a little bit?"

Jen: *happily adjusting rear view mirror* "As soon as the bus gets rolling."

The others in the back are cheering like crazy.

Coach Hanson: "Don't forget to load up the equiptment bags, Jen."

Jen blinked in surprise, turning the mirror and her eyes in her coach's direction and... no surprise she is fawning over how good-looking he is right now.

Jen: *swooning, distracted* "The what? *snaps out of it* Oh, right! *blushes* Sure thing, Coach Handsome."

Real smooth, Jen. Simping over a coach.

Jen: "I mean Coach Hanson."

Jen steps off the bus to get and load up the equiptment as instructed by her coach. And before we forget, Coach Hanson has short, brown hair, neatly combed, wears a red T-shirt, green jean shorts and wears brown sandals and has a healthy, fit body.

Coach Hanson: "You've got your driver's license, right?"

Jen: "Uh, s-sure, Coach." *bends down to pick up bags* "A learner's permit is practically a license."

She hauls the equiptment up over her shoulder, but has trouble keeping it steady. But her problems only get worse as the bus begins to move backwards on its own. When Jen put the bags down to find where it was, it was only a matter of time before--

Jen: "That's weird. I thought I left the--"


Jen: "...van here."

And at that moment, she wakes up to find herself at the Penalty Box, finding out it was all just silly dream.

Jen: *gasps* "I am so going to fail my driving test again."


We join our little group of friends by the Big Squeeze where Wyatt is just arriving, wearing an old brown jacket. Everyone notices, including our beloved fashion-savy, Caitlin.

Caitlin: "Someone's outfit-challenged today."

Jude: "Seriously, dude. 1985 called, they want their jacket back."

Y/N: "Wyatt, it's Summer. why are you wearing a jacket anyways?"

Wyatt: "What's wrong with it?"

 Caitlin: "Wyatt, it's old. Retro is so yesterday."

Nikki: *sassy, grinning* "She says without a hint of irony."

Caitlin: "They have a sale at my favorite guy store this week, I could take you."

Y/N: "I'm all for retro gaming... and sometimes retro clothing, but still, why wear that thing when it's Summer?"

Wyatt: "I don't want a new one, this is my lucky jacket."

Y/N: "How is a jacket supposed to be lucky?"

Wyatt: "I was wearing this jacket when I won that songwriting contest last year and when I got on the grade 9 National Debate team."

Jonesy: "Yeah, I wouldn't advertise that one, buddy."

Y/N: "Yeah, I mean, I carry around this necklace like a good luck charm, but it doesn't always guarantee everything going my way."

Galleria Rizzler x Autistic Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now