Chapter 26

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The doctors took Chat and Alex to make sure there was no severe damage done. Waverly had stayed for about an hour until her parents were contacted and came to pick her up.

Mom and dad also left work and rushed over as soon as they heard about what happened.

they had been lecturing me and asking me questions for lord knows how long but I mostly tuned them out. I just couldn't get her voice out of my head.

It was the first time I had heard her voice. 

A doctor then walked in, a nurse following close behind with a clipboard.

"Are you the boys parents?" She asked my mom and to which they nodded standing.

"We are also here for Alex Walker" dad clarified. her face seemed to drop a bit more after that and to say my heart dropped to my ass is an understatement. 

"Well, Mr. Star has suffered a mild concussion along with a broken nose" She informed us.

"But as for Miss Walker... Well she has also got a concussion as well as 7 fractured ribs" The doctor told us.

"Can we see them?" I asked. 

"Yes, but I need to say the girl is looking.. a bit ruff"

"I don't care, where is she?" I asked

"Room 103, Next to Chats room which is 104"

I practically sprinted down the halls. 

pushing the door open, it revealed a beat up looking Alex. Bruises licked her arms and face, a nasty one over her throat, indicating he must have choked her at some point.

My heart broke for her. And I know I've seen her like this but somehow hurt even more this time. 

I walked toward the dark haired girl (Who was still asleep) and sat in a chair which is placed next to her, I brought my hand and moved a strand of hair from her face.

She's been through so much... 

My hand gently rested on her cheek, thumb slowly brushing her scratched up skin.

My head turned to the door and saw my dad standing there with a sad expression.

"Shouldn't you be with Chat?" I asked. My voice shaking.

"Your mother is with him" he said walking toward us and wrapped his arms around me.

A few tears managed to fall while I looked at her in in such a state.

"She'll be alright" Dad whispered, kissing the top of my head.

"I really like her dad" I whispered weakly. "I know" He mumbled.

I was a bit shocked to hear that, but I didn't put too much thought into it.

"Chat is gonna be able to come home tonight, and they said they'd be able to let her out after a week or two, but its gonna be about 6 weeks till she fully heals" My dad changed the subject after a minute of awkward silence. I nodded, not feeling like talking right now. 

Soon he left the room and I just stared off into space, still processing what had happened. A small part of me blamed myself a bit. I should've gotten there quicker or SOMETHING. 

My eyes watched over Alex, studying her rugged form. I would do anything to watch that man suffer, to hurt him, to make him go through what he did to his beautiful and kindhearted daughter. 

I hope he gets locked away for a long time.

528 Words

Short chapter

Hidden  in plain sightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें