Chapter 25

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I could not be bothered proof reading this so it probably makes no sense👍

A l e x

The moment we got into the car his whole demeaner changed and he was so angry I swore steam was about to come out of his ears.

"WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU" He screams, getting all up in my face. Spit flew out of his mouth and onto the side of my face as he let out his anger on me.

"YOU ARE FUCKED IN THE HEAD. FUCKEDDD" His eyes were wide and his pointer finger was pointing to his own temple.


He speed out of the school parking lot and through the streets. Flying by other cars.

He turned his music all the way up so it was blaring through the speakers. 

My heart raced fast and I could now smell how badly it reeked of weed and alcohol now.

I covered my ears and brought my knees to my chest, just like a child would. Tears were streaming down my cheeks.

He looked over and grabbed one of my wrists. "WHAT ALEX, IS THE MUSIC TO LOUD FOR YOU?!" He yelled, making me sob harder. He then started laughing hysterically. 

"HAHAH AM I TOO LOUD FOR YOU??" He asked, speeding up.

I shook my head fast, hoping he'd calm down. 

He then looked at me. tears filling his own eyes. 

I felt taken aback. 

"Do You remember when we all went to that holiday park and your mother got so drunk and then ending throwing up all over her friend Stacy?" He said, a ''genuine'' smile spread across his face, but his voice was still raised.

I nodded quickly. 

"Yeah that was funny wasn't it?" 

I looked at him puzzled.

He grabbed my throat and brought my face so close to his I could smell his acohol laced breath. 


I was back to nodding.

"FUCKING SPEAK TO ME" he pushed back into the door after he almost crashed into another car.

I opened my mouth but nothing came out, I tried so hard but couldn't spit anything out.

"YOU KNOW HOW PATHETIC YOU ARE??? CANT EVEN TALK TO YOUR OWN FATHER" He yelled, Throwing a bottle in my direction, It smashed over the dashboard and all over me.

He then pulled over at a beach. He jumped out of his truck and came over to my side and swung the door open. 


I shook my head, trying to get away.

He then Grabbed me by my hair, dragging me onto the gravel road. 


I was sobbing so much that I was now choking on my own saliva. 

Hidden  in plain sightOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora