Chapter 23

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I felt so stupid. Why in the world would I do that. Shes never going to speak to me ever again.

I should of asked.

But she seemed like she wanted to. I could've sworn she did. 

Maybe I'm just being delusional.

God I wish I didn't do that. She probably thinks I'm a freak now.

I brought a pillow to my chest and held it tightly. Maybe I can just sleep this off

A l e x

I woke up to the birds chirping outside and the sun leaking through the curtains. A exaggerated sigh escaped my lips remembering I'd have to go back to school today.

Once I had a shower and put on my school uniform I looked in the mirror, seeing the faint bruises on my cheek and one on my neck, I decided not to cover them up since they were so faint you could barely see them and because no one would notice. I shut the door behind me and headed downstairs to see Raya, reminding me of the events that happened last night.

She turned around and smiled awkwardly. "Chat is sick so Dad is going to drop us off"

I just nodded, as usual.

The drive was awkward, Rayas dad kept trying to start conversation with us but he was just given dry responses.

The bell rang and we headed in different directions since we had different classes. I smiled, knowing I'd get to see Miss Hailey again. 

Opening the class door, there she stood. Miss Hailey turned and gave me a bright smile, which I returned. 

I took a seat in the back corner as usual watching the teenagers scramble to their seats. 

 Chat wasn't  in  today so I would have to go through this class alone. 

When Miss Hailey started her lecture and I felt myself start to get engulfed by thoughts of Raya. How her beautiful long locs went past her shoulders, her light freckles that rested on her nose and cheeks, Her stunning blue eyes that stare back into yours.

I was pulled from my daydream when I felt a hand on my shoulder. Flinching, I look up to see Miss Hailey.

"Sorry" she said, retracting her hand. I smiled and nodded. My teacher had a concerned look on her face.

"Are you doing alright? I've noticed you haven't been in class in over a week and you show up with faint bruising along your face and neck."

My blood ran cold, how did she notice that? 

I just gave her my famous smile and a thumbs up, though that didn't seem to ease her concern. 

"Alex I'm worried, Who did this?" She questioned, now crouching in front of me.

I shrugged my shoulders which caused her to sigh. "Well if something is happening at home you can always tell me, you know that right?" 

I nodded, Knowing the chances of telling her are very slim. Soon the bell went, and I packed my things to get ready for my next class.

I know for the rest of the day I have Raya in pretty much all my classes. I just hope it won't be too awkward after.... 

Ripped from my thoughts, I went pummeling to the hard, dirty school floor. I groaned silently and looked up to see Natlie and James walking away giggling. 

I felt someone next to me and gazed over to see an angry looking Raya. She looked down and gave me a weak smile, Holding her hand out for me. I took it and smiled gratefully.

We made eye contact for what felt like forever but in reality was only a second or two.

Raya looked away. "Uh we should probably get to class" She mumbled awkwardly. I nodded, Yeah this is gonna be very awkward.

We made it to our assigned seats which were on opposite sides of the class, mine being in the back right and her being in the second row on the left side of the class. 

Soon the teacher came in and the class fell silent. The lecture started and I toned most of it out. 

About halfway through class a student with a Runner pass came through the doors. The teacher thanked them and sent them off.

He looked at the note and then up at me. "Miss Walker to the office with bag please" He read then crumbled up the note, tossing it in the bin. 

I looked at Raya and she had a puzzled look on her face, as well as me.

Why would I need to go to the office? With my bag as well?

Despite my confusion, I packed my things and made my way to the office.

My blood ran cold as I watched in horror, My father stood there, talking with the office lady.

They were laughing and smiling at each other. 

It looked like he had tidied himself a bit before he came here. His usual sweat-stained tank top and cargo shorts were tossed and in its place was a tidy looking dark blue suit. It also looked like he shaved too.

His eyes finally met mine and a fake smile crossed his wretched face. 

"Alex!!" He came toward me with wide arms and pulled me into a tight hug. I whimpered a little due to the crushing feeling.

He looked to the office lady, "Again, I'm so sorry for the inconvenience. Something came up" He said. 

She waved him off "Oh oh its fine it happens"

"Well we should get going now, Have a wonderful day"

"You Too!"

I felt sick. As we left the building.

IM BACKKKKKKK and so sorry for the wait, hope you are all doing well!!! 

925 words


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