Chapter 5

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Rayas Pov:

This morning was weird. Dad was home but mom wasn't speaking. And Chat was.. well Chat.

"Mammaaaaaaaaaaaa ohhohohhhhhhh
Didn't mean make you cryyyyyyy sometimes I wish I never been born at alllllllll-"

"Chat I swear if you don't shut your mouth I will shove your face into a steamy pile of horse shit"

I'm really not in the mood for his antics today.

"Why is everyone acting weird, it's freaking me out"

I just shrugged my shoulders and looked out the window. It was the weekend so we decided to go out.

And by out we meant drive for an hour then sleep the rest of the day away.

It was like tradition to go on drives while blasting music. But I'm really not in the mood today.

Chat sighed. "Wanna go home?" He asked.

"Yes please" I could tell he was sad about it but I really wasn't feeling it today.

"Is all of this about yesterday?" He questioned.

"Ever since mom treated Alex you and her have been awfully quiet.

I'm not actually sure.. when we drove Alex home she was quiet and deep in thought and when we got home mum was doing the same.

I guess their mood just rubbed off on me.

"What happened last night?" He asked yet another question.

"I-im not sure, mom made me exit the room"

Chat went quiet. Which was rare. It meant he was Actually thinking.

How could one person change the moods of an entire family?

Sorry this one is alot shorter than usual. I have a bit of a writers block🥲

So yeah I didn't put 2 much effort into this. its just a filler chapter cuz idk what 2 write :p

I feel like I went on lol

299 words

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