Chapter 17

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A l e x

When i woke up i was laying on Rayas laps as she ate m&ms and watched some movie i had never seen before. once she noticed i was up she smiled slightly.

"Afternoon sweetheart" The blonde greeted and grinned harder as she noticed me blush at the nickname. i pointed at my wrist, silently asking for the time. Raya picked up and told me it was 1pm.

so i slept about an hour or something. "Oh i forgot to tell you last night, my mother and Chat brought up all you're stuff and put itin the guest bedroom" she informed me.

oh. they didn't have to do that.

i nodded and rest my head on Rays shoulder. im exhausted and the pain has come back. i scrunched up my face and held my stomach. it hurts so bad..

Raya put her hand on my back and rubbed it in a comforting matter. It distracted me from the pain just a bit.  

"Chats gone out and said he would be back at around 11 or something" Raya said. i nodded. "do you think you'll be allgood for school tomorrow?" Raya asked.


I nodded my head yes. "You sure? you seem pretty beat up" Raya told me.

I gave her my best smile and nodded. 

"You know you can stay home right? if you want me to stay i can" i shook my head. i dont want to bother them, they're  already doing so much for me by letting me stay here. 

Raya looked skeptical but dropped the subject. "Are you hungry? we can bake cookies if you'd like?"

I smiled and nodded. I'm starving. 

We walked down the stairs and into the kitchen, I kinda just stood there as she got everything ready for us. She looked up and gave me the cutest smile. "Would you like to crack the eggs?" The cute Blonde asked me.

I nodded and got to work. "I think two eggs should be enough" She told me.

i cracked the two large eggs over the bowl and poured them in. "Okay now the website says one cup of sugar" 

she reached over me and poured it into the same bowl as the eggs. "Andddd next we add two cups of flower" Raya poured one cup in the bowl and when she went to pour the second one she paused. Then that evil grin spread across her face and before i could register anything i got a face full of Flower.

I gasped leaving my mouth open and my arms slightly spread. I could hear her hysteric laughter.

Oh you are so on.

Grabbing a handful of powder, i chucked it at her. her laughing stopped as she had her on moment of shock. 

After that it turned into an all out war. Flower was getting thrown left and right and our loud laughs echoed through the massive two story house, The flour and walls were covered in the white powder. 

When i saw Raya was going to grab another handful i made a run for it. I could hear her footsteps chasing right behind me. Laughs were still existing our mouths.

"I'm So Gonna Get You!!" Raya yelled to which i laughed harder. Suddenly i felt arms wrap around my waist and left me up.

I tried to escape but Rayas arms were firm, but not enough to hurt. After a minute she finally let me go, we were both breathing heavily as we made eye contact. As my eyes were staring into hers i felt everything disappear, like nothing else was there. i swear she could feel it too.

without even realizing it we were moving closer. i could feel her breath on my lips but before our lips could met we heard the door open and we jumped away from each other. I looked at the door to see a middle aged man who i assumed was Rayas father. 

i held my breath as i made eye contact with him. He has soft tired eyes but so did he..

"Hey Sweet pea, whos this?" he asked, not even acknowledging the fact we were covered in flower. "This is Alex" Raya smiled. 

She seemed comfortable around him..

"Oh yes Your mother told me she would be staying with us for a while, I'm Dan" The man held out his hand to which i flinched and hid behind Raya. He nodded awkwardly and took his hand back. 

His eyes then drifted to the kitchen and he froze. I clenched my eyes shut, thinking he was gonna yell, scream, hit, do Something .

Instead, he started laughing, hard. I looked up at Rayla but she was chuckling herself. Dan after awhile stopped laughing. "Well girls could you please clean up your mess, ill be up in my office if you need anything" he said walking up the stairs. 

"Yes dad" 

Raya looked down me and her face turned to worry. "Hey, you okay?" she asked, trying to put her hand on my shoulder but i pushed her away. She looked a little sad but mainly worried. My faced had paled and my breathing was uneven. 

"Hey come on, i'll run you a hot shower and some fresh clothes and I can clean" 

I started violently shaking my head and wrapped my arms around my stomach, suddenly feeling every kick, slap, punch he ever did. My eyes were scrunched. 


I felt Rayas voice growing distant as I got sucked into my own world. 

I tried to take a step backward but I started to feel everything start to go dizzy, then I felt myself fall.

R a y a

When Alex Started to fall backwards I rushed to catch her.

I held her in my arms as I brushed her flower, covered strand out of her face. 

"Alex?" I panicked. I shook her gently and when she didn't wake up I picked her up bridal style and carried her to my room. I walked into my bathroom and wet a cloth so I could clean her up a bit.

I caressed her face with the warm face towl, as well her arms and I tried to get as much powder out of her hair as possible. I then walked into her room to see if i could find any clothes for her. 

She didn't have much.. Maybe I could take her shopping for new clothes. Scrapping the idea of using her clothes I grabbed some of my shorts and a hoodie since i knew she felt uncomfortable in short sleeved shirts.

I walked over to her and gently lifted her slightly so i could remove her pants. It was a lot harder than i thought. (heheheheheh)

My look saddened when my eyes rested on her scarred thighs. I hope that her father burns in my deepest pits of hell for what she put her through. Whenever I thought about what happened I felt livid.

I slipped her into the shorts, which was A LOT harder than taking them off.

The shirt was a lot easier to get on.

I then picked her up again bringing her to the room she would be staying in. I wanted to keep her in my room but something told me she needed rest.

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