Chapter 12

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I sat up shocked. They dated??

Surly not. I looked at her and she looked uncomfortable and guilty.

"What? Really?" Alex just nodded her head.

Well.. that was extremely unexpected.

"So he's like the crazy ex?" I tried to joke.

She just looked at me.

"When?" I asked. It took a momment as she typed.

We started dating when we were 14 but broke up last year

They dated two years? Damn..

I kinda feel jealous.

"Why'd you guys break up?"

Alex took a deep breath and looked up at me. This is probably a touchy subject.

"You don't have to tell me of course" I said, not wanting her to feel uncomfortable.

Instead she just started typing.

He was nice at first. Like every guy usually is. Except He started to change a year after we officially got together. He started screaming and getting angry more. Sometimes he would throw things at me or even hit me.

Reading this made me furious. How dare he?

"Why didn't you just leave him?"

My dad loved him

Nothing has ever made me this angry in my Life.

I couldn't even form a sentence that's how mad I was.

I looked at Alex and she looked at the ground, her leg was shaking and she was picking her thumbs.

Before I could stop myself I stood up and started walking towards the house.

I'm gonna fuck that cunt up.

I could hear footsteps following after me but I ignored it.

How dare he?

As I speed-walked to the house I felt hands grip my wrist, when I turned I was faced with a desperate looking Alex.

I tried to break her grip but instead she just hugged my arm.

"Alex let go of me"

She shook her head.


When she looked up I noticed the fear in her eyes and tears started to brim at the eyes.

Seeing that made me drop my gaurd.

"Alex.." I said again, bringing my free hand to her cheek.

When she didn't react I immediately brought her in for a hug.

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