Chapter 6

424 14 22

Alex pov

It's only Saturday and I already want the weekend to be over. Dad has one of his Sluts around again and they've been at it for forever.

I miss the man he was before. Before the accident. Before the drinking, before the abuse...

We used to be really close. He loved me and I loved him. I know deep down I could never hate him. I mean, he is my father after all. I just wished he'd feel the same. Memories of us playing at local parks or going to get icecream at the dead of night still float around in my mind.

Maybe if it wasn't for his drinking addiction it wouldn't be so bad. Maybe in another universe we would be fine.

Sometimes I wonder if all of this was my fault. If I could have done something to prevent this outcome. If I had packed my things faster or if I took longer toilet breaks.

I sighed. I need a distraction. I need to feel something.

I went to my closet and pulled out a small box. Only to reveal my blade.

I shouldn't do this.

I picked up the blade and held it against my wrists.

Don't do it.

One cut.
Two cuts.

Blood dripped down from my wrists to my hands.

I did it.


I sat there staring at my hands for a while. I heard my phone go off but I ignored it.

I stood up walking to my bathroom. I twisted the tap and cold water poured over my hands and wrists. A stinging feeling replaced the numb one.

I grabbed some of the bandages Raya and that gave me and started wrapping them around my arms. I need to stop this.. I really really need to stop.

I collapsed onto my bed when I remembered I heard my phone go off.

I'll check it later...

What if it's important..


I walked over to my drawer and picked up my phone to reveal two texts from Raya.


Have you ever thought about how a block of cheese is basically a loaf of milk??

Sorry that was random lol


I laughed a bit. Who comes up with things like this.



What are you up to?

Nothing much just staring at my ceiling processing what you just told me

Hidden  in plain sightWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt