Chapter 14

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"I think you might have a concussion" Rayas mother told me.

I just nodded. So much was going through my head. I can't believe she saw all that. I can't believe he hurt he like that. Seeing that made my blood boil but I'm not strong enough to take on a 40 year old man.

I'm just glad Chat showed up. I've never seen him so serious. So angry.

I wish Raya didn't follow me. She didn't deserve what he did to her.

Neither did you.

I was ripped from my thoughts when Rayas mom handed me a bag of peas. "Put that on your head and make sure you don't fall asleep" I nodded my head and sat up, making my way to Rayas room.

Just as I was about to open the door Chat came out. "She's all yours" he grinned, walking to his room.

I stepped in and sat on the edge of the bed next to her. I layed my head on her shoulder.

"You okay?" She asked. No. I nodded my head yes.

I pointed at her.

"Yeah I'm fine" she smiled brightly. I can tell she's lieing but I'm to exhausted to deal with this right now.

I moved myself so that I was laying on her lap, the bag of peas on my forehead.

I closed my eyes as Rayas soft, long fingers ran through my hair. "Relax" she whispered. My shoulders were tense and she Cleary realized it.

I breathed in and out slowly and did what she said.

I was still in pain, father had got me in the ribs a few times And my head was throbbing. But somehow the feeling of Rayas fingers slowly running through my hair made me forget the pain a little.

We were in this position for a while when Rayas mom came in. I instantly sat up but winced a bit from the pain. This is gonna hurt in the morning.

"I've been called in for work due to an emergency, will you girls be alright?"

"Yes mom" Raya said and I nodded. "Alright well when you get hungry there's enough money on the counter for a pizza for each of yous"

"Oh, and make sure she doesn't fall asleep for another couple of hours, she has a concussion" she mother ordered as she pointed at me.

"Yes ma'am" Raya said in a fake Country accent causing me to giggle a bit.

"See you girls when I get home"

"Bye mum" Raya said and then the door was shut.

"It's 6:37, do you wanna get some food and watch a movie?" Raya asked. I nodded my head eagerly.

I'm absolutely starving.

"K, what pizza do you want, cheese, pepperoni, barbecue, Don't you dare say Hawaiian" I laughed and held up two fingers. "Pep?" She asked and to which I nodded.

"K, I'll just ask Chat what he wants and then I'll be right back"

When she left I crawled up the bed more and layed down. My body was in so much pain. I'm used to it but knowing that someone else knows makes it hurt more somehow.

I hope they don't call anyone, oh my lord I really hope they don't call anyone. I know he's an asshole but he doesn't deserve time.

Or maybe he does. God this whole thing is annoying, I wish I had never gone to that stupid party. Then maybe none of this would have happened.

I was so stuck in my thoughts that I didn't realize that Raya was back until she jumped into the bed.

I flinched again. Stupid. "You can get in if you want y'know" she said. I nodded and lifted the blanket. Her bed was very comfortable.

"What do you wanna watch?" She asked. I reached over to grab my old beat up phone to answer her.

I'm fine with anything I wrote.

"You sure?" I nodded. I haven't watched many movies before. Just random cartoons off TV.

"You like horror?" She asked and I just shrugged my shoulders.

In the end we settled on IT 2. It wasn't as scary as I expected to be honest, the guy in the bath tub at the start made me shift uncomfortablely and I think Raya noticed but didn't say anything.

Near the end the blonde had fallen asleep on my shoulder. I looked down at her and took in her beauty. Her freckles, her cute button nose.

I had to admit She was really beautiful. Not like that though.

She shifted her body and pulled me closer to her so that she was bow spooning me.

I looked at the clock and now it was around eight.

And I was absolutely exhausted. I'll have to get my stuff out the trunk tomorrow, I thought before drifting off in Rayas arms.

Shorter chapter than usual because I'm behind. Usually I have at least 3 chapters ready but there are none because I cannot think of anything lately. Also this isn't as long because its 4 in the morning. I should be sleeping but sleeping is for the weak so💪💪💪💪

865 words

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