Chapter 5 🌷

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"Thank you for coming,"

The Bishop says. I take his hand and shake it twice. He smiles, then points to the rest of his team; another three priests wearing the same crimson robe like his own. "We really appreciate that Your Royal Highness is able to take a leave from your busy schedule to officiate the opening of our church,"

"Well, I do take my faith seriously," I simply provide and he leaps with joy at that answer. "Shall we begin?" He asks, eager to guide me to where a plaque hides behind a curtain for me to unveil. "Sure," I run a quick check on my cufflinks, then the small, blue butterfly pinned to the lapel of my suit. Everything is here, perfect.

Then I look over my shoulder and notice Roseanne is looking out of place again. Not in dress code, of course. I can thank her excellent stylist for that as well as her own sense of fashion. But in terms of attitude and mood and everything with emotions that this family does not allow showing? It displays perfectly on her face.

I clench my jaws lightly. "Give me a second," I tell him as I walk back to the car where Roseanne refuses to leave. "Pull yourself together," I whisper to her as I lean inside. She shakes her head, at the verge of crying. No, she can't cry right here. Not right now with all the cameras flashing.

I stare outside her window and catch a head of cameras standby. "I can't. I'm nervous. I want to go back," her voice breaks and I shut my eyes. "Not right now, Roseanne. We are supposed to officiate this event,"

"I don't care!" she whines, voice echoes in palms she covers her face with. "I just want to go back! I don't want to be seen!" she retracts her hands and I see her eyes drowning in tears. "Bloody hell, why would you do this to me, Roseanne? People are looking,"

I glance quickly at the window again and people are all looking. I hope they can't lip - read us at this point. "Please," I breathe out, then I grab her hand and she attempts to pull back but I won't let her to.

"What do you want exactly?" I look away, so that only my side profile is visible to her. Behind us, I see the Bishop waiting patiently. I offer him a small, awkward smile before turning my face towards Roseanne again.

"I want to go back," the answer comes weakly. I shake my head a no. "You're married to me, Roseanne Park. And it's part of your written duty that you should be seen with me and only me. And it's important to know, where you place as a wife, your duty to the Protector of the family, lies"

I exit the car, my front is still facing her. She however looks away. I move my shoulders, then I offer her my arm. "Walk with me," I command and she hesitates again for a few moments before she finally pulls herself together and accepts my offer.


"It is with great enthusiasm today that I'm here," I speak to the crowd. They are all standing behind a row of media with blinding flashes. "With my beautiful wife," I address Roseanne who has been given a seat next to me.

Instead of looking back with a brave face and sweet smile, the blonde pretends like she hears nothing and continues to stare at the blank floor. I fake a smile, then continue with my speech.

Then, when it's time to leave the party, the Bishop offers both of us a prayer. "I pray to God that may you both be granted with a child of your own; whom will be cherished, love and source of happiness for her parents,"

"Thank you," I say out of courtesy. Then, I look at Roseanne if she has anything to say. But the woman keeps her mouth shut and instead of waiting for me, marches on her own into the car. The Bishop looks at me, surprised at that brazen attitude but I only smile at him. "Nothing to worry," I simply say before my aid ushers me to the car.

"What was that Roseanne?"

I yell at her in the car. The driver keeps his eyes on the road, pretending as if we don't exist at the back. "I told you," she turns to face me. "That I didn't want to go there,"

"You didn't get to choose," I say angrily. "You do what I do, Roseanne. Whether you like it or you hate it, you do things the way I want you to,"

"No, it's not right!" she yells back at me. "I do things the way I view right, Lisa. And as much as that hurts your ego, there's nothing I can do about that,"

"Oh, please" I turn away in frustration. I never thought I'd be in this type of shitty marriage but here I am with Roseanne. "I should have never married you in the first place,"

"Great, then divorce me" she challenges. "Just let me go, Lisa. There's no reason to keep this marriage anymore now that I've failed to give you what you want the most; an heir from this marriage to sustain the house of bullshit you are in,"

"Watch what you're saying,"

I warn her. We have arrived at our residence and Roseanne doesn't wait long to exit the car. I chase after her, ignoring looks from the staff of the house. "I won't fucking divorce you," I still yell as she climbs the stairs and I'm 2 steps behind. "I won't give you what you want because you haven't given me what I want,"


"I don't know what you are talking about"

"You and your stupid family"

Roseanne states, shaking her head. "You'll always have blood on your hands, Lisa. No matter how hard you try to wash it away, the stain will always be there"

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