Chapter 27 🌾

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Lisa's pov

I step out of the car while fixing my cufflinks. Then, my hand travels to check my pocket square. It's white against my grey, double - breasted suit.

Making my own steps to the entire welcoming committee, my pair of brown Balmoral echoes a crunchy note.

"Your Royal Highness," they all echoe, followed closely by the head bow before the tallest courtier steps forward and sticks his hand out for me to shake.

"Thank you for agreeing to meet on such short notice," The man - Tommy - says. I have known him for years now but never once find myself liking the moustached man.

He has always been a rather strict monarchist which I find myself opposed sometimes.

"Well," I breathe out as we both step into the firm. Trailing behind our unison steps are two footmen while in front of us, two butlers lead the way.

"I don't have much choices to make when the order directly comes from her,"

I indicate my mother subtly and Timmy nods his head. One hand bends around his back. His face remains stoic. "Speaking about the order,"

He pauses his word, and not his step.

"We have received the feedback from the Royal Committee with full support from the Parliament to bestow upon Her Royal Highness The Lady Roseanne Park, the Order of The Most Noble House of Manoban on the occasion of Royal Marriage wedding anniversary,"

We take a left turn and I slightly nod my head to the news. "I suppose you thank Her Majesties because without their support, it would all be deemed impossible for such decision to be made, let alone supported,"

"You are aware that I did study the Royal Marriage Act before, Tommy"

"Yes, ma'am" he replies flatly as we pause shortly in front of the door leading into the West Drawing Room.

"In fact, since the inception of The House of Manoban by your grandfather, here in Garden Palace, it has been decided that every Royal with perspective of the throne and the crown must read and study the Royal Marriage Act 1953,"

"Then you know damn well, that it has always been her right to get that Order, since the the very minute she said I do to me,"

That silences him for a moment. "In Clause 165,"

He says. "Of The Royal Constitution, it is mentioned that every Royal Order must be approved by His or Her Majesty before being brought to the Parliament for further approval and support,"

"Yes, but the clause has been voided by Royal Marriage Act 1953 as it involves Royal Marriage between the heir to the throne and the Royal spouse,"

Tommy stares at me. His mouth falls into a firm straight line. Then, the door is pulled opened from inside, revealing my mother and grandmother already seated around the table.

"Ah, darling one"

My mother exclaims. "Come inside. I am very much delighted to see you today,"

I leave him there, at the door. And he trails after me like an upset kicked puppy. "Ah, Tommy,"

My grandmother trades a small smile.

"Come and join us for breakfast if you may,"

She gestures to an empty spot not far from her shoulder. The puppet nods his head, then sits down gratefully.

My mother smiles at me, then kisses my cheeks after I did the same to her.

"Darling one,"

She brightens up. Really, she looks like as if she has won something from the horse betting she is always so interested in but never won fat cash.

My Unexpected Marriage to The Loveless CEOOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora