Chapter 17 🍂

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"Based on the poll we have recently conducted,"

Im Cha - Eun, the leader from left wing party dressed up in confidence and shiny black suit, says as papers are passed around; "We can clearly see where the public's interest lies this time," she briefly has her eyes on me before scanning the entire room full of grey men with thinning hairlines and wrinkled faces. "70% says the monarchy is out, 30% says the monarchy stays,"

A sly smile lights up her face. I pick up the paper and study its details. Then, I put it back where it was before. Next to me, Jihyo does the same. "Very well," an old man from the royal office says. He has a deeply etched frown on his forehead; probably from years of serving the monarchy and having to face bullshit on a daily basis.

"What do you propose we all do then?" he inquires in a tone which reflects his sole feeling; anger. Tilting his head left and right for reaction, he goes again in the same tone. "You only want us all out,"

"Not me in particular," the woman replies. "I am only telling you what the public wants," she adds. Fewer people seem to agree. That includes me. "Do you really think a poll like this will be able to kick out a monarchy that has done its best to protect its people?" someone else roars in the room. He's sitting to my left. His hands shaking in anger. "A monarchy that has done its best to protect its people?"

Cha - Eun questions. Her voice comes out a little playful and everyone shifts completely uneasy in their own seats. "Do you really believe that?"

"I do," the man replies. Then a few others say the same. I remain neutral with my feet crossed at ankles underneath the desk. "In fact, we all do. The monarchy is a gift from God to the Korean people. To give out protection in return for a loyalty, fully fledged,"

The man looks away, irritates. "But of course, with the cold, bone - rattling wind of modernisation that once again has blown upon this blessed land, we all now sit here, cramped inside this room, to think about the purpose of the Crown,"

"I believe we all can be modern with the Crown still in as the ruling house," I break the silence and just in that instance; heads turn to glance. I sit up straight with square shoulders. My hand itches to light up a cigarette but in a formal setting like this, one has to give up what one likes for the sake of everyone. "Your Royal Highness," Cha - Eun bows her head when she utters my name.

"May you share your insights on that please?"

"Very well,"

I breathe out. "I think the poll thing you did is beyond brilliant. It gives us all here; gentlemen, a real understanding on how the public views the institution..."

"Your Royal Highness," someone from the end of the desk raises his hand to add a piece of his mind but I decline. "I'm not finished," I look at him. He cowers and apologises. "Thank you, where was I just now?"

"How the public views the institution," Cha - Eun supplies. I mouth a small thank you again before continuing the point I've rehearsed in my mind a thousand times.

"The public has carried out their part well; deciding on the future they want. I agree that republic sounds much more modern, much more acceptable in this modern world of technology and science. However, we must also be reminded that without the stability and peace that come with the Crown or shall I say, the Royal House, we will all not be here, united to sit down today and discuss about this matter,"

There is silence. Everyone seems quite happy with the point. Everyone except Cha - Eun who replies to my statement with only her smirk. Slowly pushing her glasses up the tip of her nose, she shakes her head. "I wish the people can hear this straight from your mouth today,"

I keep my eyes on this woman. My face remains neutral. "So that they can all hear the pure bullshit in it," she opens her file and grabs a paper before presenting it to all of us. My eyes immediately recognise that pale blonde. My married wife from her last engagement; the Mental Health Conference.

"Do you have the faintest idea what's happening right now in the country, if I may ask, Your Royal Highness?"

Cha - Eun investigates. Then, her finger taps the printed paper in her hand and I notice it comes along with small, printed paragraphs. "Do you?" she asks again and I look around to see if there's anyone who would like to answer that. Apparently, there is no one. Not even the grumpy old man who threw a fit in the beginning.

"Well, I don't expect you to know," the woman says. "We are in the midst of an economic crisis where people lose their jobs because companies can't survive and plenty simply become homeless, living on the streets. Men, women, children, you name it"

She pauses for a second. Then, briefly draw a new breath in and continue. "I don't expect you to know the rate of people committing suicide in our country too. While it has always been high due to so many reasons, the statistic has shown the digits start to double up since the start of the cold, harsh crisis"

"The Monarchy has no say in how the economy is conducted," I fire. "It has always been in the power of the parliament, the Prime Minister to all work together to figure up how to solve that issue,"

"That issue," Chae - Eun breathes out. "It's simply just 'that issue' now, isn't it" she echoes then, without a warning, breaks into a short live laughter. Everyone stares at her, each looking completely last with this charade. I steal a glance around my wrist where the watch is. It's barely half an hour but the thought of going home, escaping this room has become so remarkably pleasant.

"I'm sorry for laughing," her body is still rattling with laughter when she says that. "But I just find it funny that the person whose family is benefiting the most from this whole system just refers to our most awful economic crisis as that issue,"

She shakes her head. Then, her hand lifts the paper half in the air. Just like hungry piranha, every set of eyes clings to that picture of Roseanne. "Your explanation just now highlights exactly why your wife, Her Royal Highness, Lady Roseanne, dressed up extravagantly for a conference. Because apparently looks matter more than feeding your famished subjects,"

"Look at this," she points to Roseanne's suit. "Versace orange suit; $9000. Manolo Blahnik heels; $2500. Cartier D'amour Earrings; $260 000. Cartier Trinity ring; $1250. Dior bag; $3500. Cartier Royal Diamond necklace; custom - made with 1 main diamond worth 54 carats and 1560 pieces of small diamonds"

She smirks. "A fashion fits for a princess, I don't doubt that"

"What do you want?" I lock my eyes. "Because if I'm not kind enough, you'll be dragged out of this meeting and charged with treason,"

"Treason on what grounds?" she tugs her eyebrows. "Is it because I've told the world what a corrupted institution you have come from?"

"Ms. Im" Jihyo speaks next to me. "I advise you to be careful with your next choice of words. We might consider taking action on you if you persist," she shuts up as I gesture to her.

"Cha - Eun, am I allowed to call you that?" I arch an eyebrow and she shrugs. "It depends, do I get to call you Lisa and not HRH?"

"Ma'am, I'm sorry" Jihyo rises from her chair. "We are calling the security on you,"

"No, it's fine," I assure Jihyo. "Very well. Ms. Im, then. Let me tell you one thing. My wife was attending a conference and there was undeniably a dress code she needed to adhere to. She couldn't show up to that place in pyjamas, could she?"

"She couldn't, I agree with your point. But that wasn't a ticket for her to dress up with a total amount that can help us feed the poor and those affected in this crisis for a month!"

"That's not a very nice comparison to be honest," I breathe out. "Most of what Roseanne wore to that place was from her private collection. I'm not going to sit here, wasting my time hearing you thrashing the woman I'm married to,"

I stand up and so does everyone else. "What else is on my schedule?"

I ask Jihyo. She mutters a few things but I cut her off. "Let's go"

Then I turn to the rest of the people in the room. "Gentlemen, thank you. Ms. Im in particular, thank you very much. I've learnt a lot from this session,"

"You're welcome," the woman replies. "Your Royal Highness"

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