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*Beep Beep Beep Beep*

An inaudible grumble came from the bed as the shrill beeping coming from the alarm clock continued. After waving her hand around a few times, missing the clock a total of seven times, the palm of Danaju's hand finally made contact with the top of the clock, effectively cutting the obnoxious noise short. With a small sigh, she let her arm go limp.

After a few moments, she forced her eyes open. Immediately, she was more awake. This definitely wasn't where she fell asleep last night or even woke up yesterday morning. A low hum came from behind her before she felt an arm tighten around her waist. For a split second, she tensed up.

Right... she relaxed with a silent sigh, we came back yesterday. She turned her head and, as she expected, it was Baji holding her close to his chest. He probably carried me up here after I fell asleep, she thought with a small smile.

His usual sharp features were lax, even his mouth hung open slightly from how peacefully he was sleeping. Long strands of his black hair were all over the place. His cheek, his eyes, shoulder, her own shoulder, and the pillow were all covered with the wavy mess.

Danaju could lay there forever, just looking at his face, and never grow tired of it. But, sadly, she was an adult with adult responsibilities, and so was Baji. With a short disappointed sigh, she began her usual routine of waking him up. 

As she poked his, admittedly, soft cheek, she called out his name and, as if it were a daily occurrence, he began waking up rather quickly. Quicker than what she was used to at least. For a split moment, his brows furrowed before he groggily opened his eyes. A small, sleepy smile adorned his features after a couple of seconds. "Mornin' baby," he said with a low, husky voice that instantly made Danaju's ears go pink. The blush even spread to her cheeks when he buried his face in her neck and pulled her closer.

"Come on, Baji, get up," she insisted as she poked his cheek again.

"Do I hafta?" he asked into her hair, muffling his voice slightly.


A small ringing of a bell cut her off. Looking toward the source of the sound, she spotted a black and white cat. The animal was mostly white with a mixture of large and small splotches of black on its coat and its right ear was folded close to its head. From its neck hung a light blue collar with a small silver bell.

Danaju blinked a couple of times in surprise before looking back at Baji. "You didn't tell me we had a kitty!" She had been wanting a cat for years now, but every time she tried picking up a stray, they just ended up running away.

Pulling away from her, he lightly chuckled. "His name's Peke J II. Back when we first got the house, he started hanging around and running in whenever I opened the door." Reaching out his hand, he gave Peke J II a little scratch on top of his head.

"The second? Really?" Danaju asked with a chuckle as she reached her hand out to pet the cat as well.

"Well, Chifuyu still has his cat, and I couldn't think of any other name, so..." He shrugged.

That cat has gotta be ancient by now...

Removing his hand from the cat, Baji finally sat up and stretched his arms over his head before standing up. Danaju followed suit soon after, albeit reluctantly. 

"So what's the agenda for today?" she asked as she pushed herself off the bed.

"I gotta go ta work. And Sayumi said she'd be coming over around ten. Somethin' about gettin' you up to speed on stuff," Baji explained as he rifled around in the closet.

Living A Dead Dream (Baji x OC)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang