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The next day came and, after spending the entire day doing absolutely nothing but laying in her bed, Danny was attempting to get ready for the emergency meeting that Mikey had called. Due to the sling, she just had her Toman jacket resting on her shoulders, without bothering to change out of the shirt she was wearing yesterday. Now the only problem was the belt on her pants. She couldn't do it one-handed and she didn't have the energy to deal with it.

"TAKE!!!" she shouted. 

A moment later, she could hear the sound of footsteps, but it wasn't her brother's. With brows furrowed in confusion, she looked at the door as it opened to reveal Baji. "He's taking a dump. Whaddya need?" he asked before seeing that she holding one side of the baggy pants up and that the belt was only partially through one of the belt loops.

A small sigh left her lips as she could feel her face heat up slightly. "Could you... help me with the belt? It's kinda hard with one hand..." Settle the fuck down, you damned butterflies.

"Sure," he said with a smile before going over and kneeling down to help. "So, the Haitani brothers, huh?"

"Pft. Yeah. Kings of Roppongi, my ass. More like Kings of cheap tricks," she said with an eye-roll.

Baji nodded with a quiet chuckle. "Yeah, I heard about how they fight. Pretty dirty, if ya ask me. That good?"

"One more notch, if ya could." 

He nodded again as he did what was asked before standing. "Good ta go?"

"Hate to be a bother, but could you put my hair up? I'd rather not look as shitty as I feel," she asked with a small half-smile.

"Yeah, I can do that. Ya want me to brush it too?"

"If ya want," she replied with a shrug as she grabbed a hair tie from a random spot on one of her shelves before grabbing her brush from her desk. She handed them to Baji before sitting down on her bed, him sitting down right behind her.

"And you said my hair had tangles?" Baji teased after he ran the brush through her hair once.

"That's from how damned thick it is not from using soap instead of shampoo," she shot back with a bigger smile playing on her lips.

"Ah, shut up." He continued brushing her hair as she slowly began to relax, despite the occasional tangle. To her dismay though, he stopped soon enough and tied her hair up. "We better get going," he said as he stood, setting the brush back where it had been on her desk a moment later.

"Yeah," she said with a sigh as she stood. 

"Want me to drive?" he asked as they made their way out of her room and headed for the stairs.

"If you so much as even scratch my Spirabilis-"

"-you're dead," they said in sync.

"I know," he added with a grin.

"Smartass..." she grumbled.

Once they had their boots on, they went out to her bike, noticing that Takemichi had already gone ahead without them. Then, soon after they took off, Danny let herself lean against Baji's back, taking him by slight surprise.

"Are you okay? You've been quiet," Baji asked.

Danny smiled a bit, remembering that he had asked her something along those lines in a previous timeline. It was comforting, in a way, to hear something so familiar. "It's just one of those days," she replied as she closed her eyes, letting herself relax.

After just a few seconds, Baji felt more weight on his back before hearing light snoring come from behind him. "Wha- Did you fall asleep?!" he exclaimed in disbelief, only gaining another light snore in response. A groan left his mouth as he slowed the bike some, hoping that she wouldn't fall off. This was something he fully expected from Mikey, but Danny? She's supposed to be the one that only falls asleep in normal places. Letting a small huff from his nose, he smiled a bit. No one would be able to see it, but his ears were colored a light pink.

Living A Dead Dream (Baji x OC)Where stories live. Discover now