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"And Rin?" Hanma questioned. "What'd she do to be a part of S62?"

Izana's mouth pulled into a slightly wider smile. "Unlike the rest of us, she had ten separate charges that put her in there before any of us."

"Oh?" Hanma's brows raised with interest.

"Seven counts of "assault" and three counts of "inflicting injuries causing death." Not many people know, but Rin is the one known as "Akuma."

Hanma's eyes widened slightly in surprise. From what he heard, "Akuma" was a kid that took on a group of adults, resulting in the charges Izana mentioned, back in 2000. No one had actually seen the kid's face, so it was more of a legend. To find out that it was Rin made him find her all that more interesting.

"Don't call her that unless you want an early grave though," Izana added, catching Kisaki's interest as well. "She absolutely hates that name."


A grin was plastered on Danny's face, her eyes focused on only Rin. Her clenched fists shook slightly from the adrenaline and anticipation running through her blood, with only the slightest hint of fear toward the shorter girl left. Unlike the time she almost completely lost herself in the fight with the Haitani brothers, she forced herself to stay focused, and not just act on instinct. She wanted to relish in this. She wanted to take in every last detail of this fight.

The corner of Rin's mouth pulled up slightly into a smirk. "You've grown in the past three years, eh?" Her moves are more calculated than a mere fourteen-year-old's should be... She must've trained hard.

She let out a breath as she pushed her glasses up. "Obviously, I'm taller than you now." That made Rin's eye twitch slightly before she lunged again. Danny blocked the blows before aiming her own kick to her side. Kamishiro was the one who taught Danaju how to take blows, and Danny was going to be the one to return the pain to Rin.

Rin aimed another punch for Danny's face, but, just like she had been doing with the previous attacks aimed there, she swiftly side-stepped it. Her eyes widened as she saw her hand wrapped in red going for the collar of her jacket. Right where her heart pendant necklace was.

An innocent smile, its brightness enough to challenge that of the sun.

"Rin-Rin!"  A voice more delicate than a small bell's, purer than the most devout Christian.

Short lightly-colored hair that was more beautiful than the freshly fallen snow and softer than the puffiest of clouds.

Big eyes that sparkled like the surface of the ocean, that shone brighter than the brightest star.

A deafening crack resounded through the area.

Not fully registering what happened, Danny's eyes widened in shock. A hard blow to her stomach sent her tumbling back, sending a searing pain all over. She could hardly breathe, the air having all been forced out of her lungs, her vision blurry, her glasses having been knocked off somewhere she wouldn't be able to see, and her arm, it didn't feel right.

"Don't..." Rin's eyes were wide, veins popping throughout her head as she heaved heavy breaths, "Don't you lay a fucking finger on this." Her fingers were gently closed around the necklace. She didn't dare be rough with it, in fear that the slightest tug would cause it to crumble. 

Using her right arm, Danny pushed herself up, her left arm dangling at her side. Shit, it's broken. Squinting her eyes slightly, she focused her attention on Rin's red blob. Before either of them could make a move though, a shout cut through the shipyard like a knife.


Not too far away, Danny could make out Rindou's form falling and a moment later, Ran getting punched square in the face before falling forward. When she was able to tell who it was that took both of them down, her eyes widened. Is that...?

Living A Dead Dream (Baji x OC)Where stories live. Discover now