ch 31 Life in Evershade Valley

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24 years ago

It was an ordinary night in Evershade Valley. The Dark Moon shone bright and the ghosts foamed peacefully around the Valley. At the Gloomy Manor a greenie was sweeping the floor of the entrance when he heard a knock at the door. The greenie was confused, who would knock on the door? The greenie put the broom down and opened the door. He looked outside but didn't see anybody. The greenie scratched his head confused before shrugging.

He was about to go inside when a small cry caught his attention. Looking down, he saw a box. He opened the box and gasped at what he saw. Inside the box was a baby girl wrapped in a yellow blanket. The baby cried and the greenie began to panic. He quickly picked her up and brought her inside. The baby's crying alerted the other ghosts and they came to see what all the noise was.

'What's with all the noise?' Slammer asked.

'Guys! We have a problem!' Greenie said showing the crying baby.

'A BABY!?' The ghosts exclaimed.

'What's a baby doing in Evershade Valley?' Sneaker asked.

'I don't know, but she won't stop crying! What do I do!?' Greenie panicked.

Maestro rolled his eyes at the greenie.

'Give her to me'

Greenie handed the baby to Maestro. Maestro gently started to rock her while humming. The baby's crying started to die down. She sniffled and whimpered as she snuggled into Maestro's hold.

'The poor girl's chilled to the bone' Maestro said wrapping the blanket around her.

'What do we do?' Greenie asked.

Maestro thought for a minute before giving orders.

'Gobber, go into the kitchen and see if we have fresh milk. Hider, get a fire started in the library. Slammer, there should be an old crib in the attic. Get it. Greenie, get a pillow and blanket. Sneaker, go get the possessors, they're gonna want to know about this' Maestro said

The ghosts went off to do their tasks. Soon all the ghosts were in the library. Maestro was feeding the baby a bottle while greenie explained the situation to the possessors.

'And when I looked down, there she was! All alone in a box!' Greenie said.

'Hmm... This is serious. It's been years since we've had a living resident' Possessor said.

'Can we keep her?' Slammer asked hopefully.

'It would be cruel not to. But every ghost in the valley will have to help raise her' The Possessor said.

The ghosts all cheered.

'First things first, she'll need a name' Possessor said.

The ghosts all thought about it until Maestro spoke up.

'How about Spectra? Spectra Spooks' Maestro suggested.

The ghosts all voiced their approval of the name.

'Then it's decided. Welcome to the family, Spectra Spooks' The possessor said.

And so began Spectra's new life in Evershade Valley.


Early years at the Gloomy Manor

A greenie is seen feeding baby food to an infant Spectra.

A Slammer ghost helps Spectra stand up to take her first steps.

A Hider is finger painting with Spectra. The two laugh as they're covered in paint.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें