ch 18 Piece at Last

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After a while E.Gadd call Spectra and Luigi back to the Bunker.

"All right, youngsters, let's review. We have both clockhands now, so all that's left is to find is the rotor. Then we'll be able to fix the Clock Tower Gate! The parascope shows that the Dark Moon piece is still up there, but we've got to hurry! It's also picking up a lot of ghostly activity on the east side of the Old Clockworks. Which makes me think that they're hiding the rotor there. The ghosts have that area on lockdown, but I have a few tricks up my sleeve. There's another pixelator camera in that area, so all I had to do is hack it and adjust the destination! Who knows - maybe you'll even catch the ghosts off guard!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd pressed a button and a monitor lowered.

"Here's a picture of the rotor. Keep an eye out for it" E.Gadd said before raising the monitor.

"Ready, youngsters? Give 'em what for!"

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination.

Inside the service elevator room was a sneaker ghost with strange markings all over it. The sneaker had the rotor in hand and was searching for a place to hide it. The sneaker was caught off guard when Spectra and Luigi reassembled in the room. Spectra and Luigi stared wide-eyed at the strange sneaker. The sneaker quickly flew away into the next room.

"Was that a sneaker ghost?" Luigi asked.

"I think so, but I've never seen one with those markings before" Spectra said.

The two entered the gear chamber and entered the see-saw lift. Their side went down as the other lift rose up. As they were exiting the lift they saw the sneaker place the rotor in a box. The sneaker noticed them, took the rotor and flew into the storage room.

"Come on, we gotta follow him!" Spectra said.

She approached the raised lift and pressed the call button. The button sparked but the lift didn't move. Spectra repeatedly pressed the button but nothing happened.

"Rats! It's busted!" Spectra said.

"Hey, Spectra, over here!" Luigi called out.

Luigi motioned Spectra over to a small hole in the wall. Spectra walked over and peaked into the hole. There she saw the strange sneaker and a greenie ghost. They were trying to find a hiding place for the rotor when another greenie entered the room and noticed Spectra spying on them. The greenie gasped and quickly placed a brick in the hole.

Just then the DS rang and Luigi answered it.


"Criminy! We need to get you two inside that storage room!" E.Gadd said.

"We would but the lift is stuck. We can't get in until it's lowered" Spectra said.

E.Gadd thought for a moment.

"Ooh! Why didn't I think of this earlier?! I hired a Toad assistant to look after the Old Clockworks. He may be able to help you. Give me a second to locate him... Hmm... apparently he went to check on a malfunction in the Synchronization room. I can't believe I forgot about him! Working for me must be really terrible" E.Gadd said before hanging up.

Luigi put away the DS.

"The Synchronization room is down this way" Spectra said leading Luigi down the stairs.

The two then entered the Service elevator shaft. As they were going down the stairs the elevator suddenly fell and crashed next to them. Spectra and Luigi screamed as they held on to the shaking staircase. Soon the shaking died down.
Spectra and Luigi shakily looked at each other before carefully going down the rest of the stairs.

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