ch 6 Sticky Situation

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"Something unexpected - and gross - has happened to the Gloomy Manor. It's been infested with spiders, and they're redecorating the place with sticky webs" E.Gadd said.

"I have noticed the webs have been much larger than usual" Spectra said.

"It started suddenly, and definitely not by natural means! At this rate, just walking around the place will soon become impossible!" E.Gadd said.

"So what do we do?" Luigi asked.

"Get back to the Manor posthaste, and suck up every last web with the poltergusts. Meanwhile, I'll try to figure out how this could have happened" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled in the entrance.

"Ok, let's get to cleaning" Spectra said.

The two entered the guard hall where they found some spider webs. As they were sucking them up spiders began to attack them. Spectra used her Poltergust to suck them up. Soon the guard hall was clear.

They exited the guard hall and entered the foyer. They then entered the common hall where they saw a massive web cover the hall. Luigi tried to suck it up but it wouldn't pull free.

"Hmm... we'll have to get creative here" Spectra said.

Spectra looked around before her eyes fell on a lit candle.

"Hmm... I've got an idea. Wait here for a second" Spectra said before entering the lab.

She came out a little later with a mini blowtorch.

"Ok, hopefully this works and it won't burn down the Manor"

"Wait, what?" Luigi said.

Spectra approached the web and set the blowtorch to a small flame. She brought the flame to the web and it burnt up. The flame went out once the web was gone.

"Ha! It worked!" Spectra said happily.

Now armed with a blowtorch, the two continued to clear out the webs. Once the common hall was clear they entered the library.

Spectra saw that the piano was missing and slipped her goggles over her eyes. She activated her Spector-Spec's and saw the invisible piano. Spectra pointed to the space the piano was.

"There's an illusion, right there" Spectra told Luigi.

Luigi shined the Dark-Light device on the piano releasing the spirit balls. Spectra sucked up the spirit balls revealing the piano. Suddenly a  Boo popped out of the piano scaring them.

"Ooga Booga! Did I scare you? My Name's... wait for it... Ooga Booga!" The Boo said before turning invisible.

Spectra used her goggles to locate the Boo.

"Over there!" Spectra exclaimed while pointing.

Luigi shined the Dark-Light device at where she was pointing revealing the Boo. Spectra used her Poltergust to pull the Boo's tongue. She let go causing the Boo to crash into everything. The Boo got dizzy and Luigi sucked him up. Spectra moved her goggles to the top of her head.

"So much for hoping there was only one of them" Spectra said before the two went back to work.

Once the first floor library was clear the two entered the kitchen. There they saw a Slammer roasting a chicken over the stove. Luigi quickly stunned it and started to suck it up.

Another Slammer appeared and Spectra stunned and captured it. Two more Slammers appeared and Spectra and Luigi worked together to capture them.

Once the ghosts were captured Spectra and Luigi walked up to the dumbwaiter. Spectra entered the dumbwaiter and pushed a button sending her up to the dining room. She exited the dumbwaiter and sent it down to Luigi. Once Luigi was in the dining room hider ghosts appeared and started to attack.

Spectra put on her Spector-Spec's to see where the ghosts were hiding. The two worked together to capture the ghosts.

Once the ghosts were captured they got to work cleaning up the spider webs.

Once the room was clean they entered the balcony. Spectra used her blowtorch to burn away the large webs.

Once the balcony was clear they went back into the dining room. They then entered the second floor library where they cleared away the webs and the spiders.

Once the room was clear they passed through the lobby and Foyer before entering the Master hall. Luigi took care of the spiders while Spectra delt with the webs. Once the Master hall was clear they decided to split up and each take a room. Luigi took the parlor and Spectra took her room. Once they were done they met up in the Master hall.

"Ok, there's only one room left" Spectra said.

Spectra walked to the end of the hall and pulled on a rope. A ladder came down leading to a room in the ceiling.

"The rafters" Spectra said.

Spectra and Luigi climbed up the ladder and entered the rafters. The rafters had a winding pathway that led to the other side of the room. To get to it you had to walk across a beam that stood above a 3 story drop. Luigi gulped when he saw the massive drop. Spectra saw his scared look and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You don't have to do this if you don't want to" Spectra said.

Luigi shook his head.

"No, no. I can do this" Luigi said.

Luigi walked up to the beam.

"I'm right behind you" Spectra said.

Luigi gulped and carefully stepped on the beam. Luigi held out his arms for balance as he slowly walked across the beam. Spectra stepped on the beam behind him and the two carefully made their way across. Luigi sighed in relief once he made it to the other side. Spectra got off the beam behind him.

"See? That wasn't so bad" Spectra said.

The two then got to work clearing out all the webs. Once the webs were gone the DS rang. Luigi answered the DS.


"Good work, you two. The spiders should leave now that you've removed their webs. Anyhoo, a more pressing issue has come up. I may have discovered where the spiders came from! I'll bring you two back now to fill you in" E.Gadd said before hanging up.

Luigi put the DS away.

A nearby pixelator pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi resembled in the Bunker.

"Glad to see you back, youngsters. Did you capture any ghosts?" E.Gadd asked.

"Yes, we did" Luigi said.

E.Gadd pressed a button and the vault tube rose. Spectra and Luigi emptied their poltergusts.

"While you were cleaning out all those webs, I made an important discovery! There's an incredibly strong paranormal signal coming from deep within the Manor! Now, I'm not sure what it is or how it Managed to evade the parascope's radar for so long, but... I reckon It's somehow connected to the spider infestation! Unfortunately, pinpointing the signal hasn't been the easiest of tasks. But as soon as I find the darn thing, I'm sending you two in after it. Get your game faces on, youngsters!" E.Gadd said.

Spectra glared in determination while Luigi shook with fear.

Spectra spooks and the Dark Moon Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ