ch 27 Ambush Maneuver

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"Well, it wasn't easy, but I got it done... I managed to route the pixelator to the mini camera inside of that train exhibit.  And the parascope is still picking up that huge paranormal signal. It's got to be King Boo! The signal isn't moving, so I suspect he's up to something major - and possibly evil - in there. Which makes it the perfect time for us to strike! If we can surprise him, he won't have time to react" E.Gadd said.

"And with the mini camera right there, they'll never see us coming!" Spectra said in realization.

"Precisely! You ready, youngsters? This is it! Get in there and rescue Mario! And while you're at it, capture King Boo! This is a golden opportunity. Good luck!" E.Gadd said.

E.Gadd fired up the pixelator and pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi reassembled inside the model train exhibit.

As soon as they reassembled they stood on guard, ready to fight. But they soon stood confused when they saw no-one there. The exhibit was completely empty except for a train with a drill on the front. The train consisted of 5 cars, each with a set of two cages.

"I don't understand. Where is King Boo?" Spectra asked.

"I don't see Mario anywhere either" Luigi said.

Just then the train whistle blew. The train then began to roll down the tracks. As the train passed by a Boo appeared on the other side of the tracks.

"Mwahahaha! Looking for someone?" The Boo said before more Boos appeared.

"It's a trap!" Spectra exclaimed.

The two watched fearfully as the Boos began to combine together into one giant Boo.

"I may not be the King, but I sure am BIG! Big enough to crush you both!" Big Boo said before charging at the two.

Spectra and Luigi screamed as they were barreled over. Big Boo laughed as they groaned in pain. Big Boo charged again and the two quickly rolled out of the way.

"He's too big! We need to seperate the Boos!" Luigi exclaimed.

"How do wee do that!?" Spectra exclaimed.

Big Boo charged at the two. Spectra and Luigi dived out of the way avoiding the attack. Big Boo ended up on the train tracks. Right at that moment the train ran into him. The drill bit dug into Big Boo popping him, making him seperate into 10 Boos. The force of the collosion made the cages open.

"Huh... that works" Spectra said looking at the knocked out Boos.

"Quick! Let's get them in the cages!" Luigi said.

Luigi used his poltergust to pull on one of the Boos tongue. He carefully aimed the Boo at the train before letting go. The Boo went flying towards the moving train and landed in one of the cages. The cage door slammed shut trapping the Boo.

Spectra followed Luigi's lead and trapped another Boo. Together they managed to cage 3 Boos before the rest woke up. The remaining Boos joined together to reform Big Boo.

Big Boo laughed evily at the two ghosthunters. Big Boo then dived into the ground as if it were water. He then poked his head out of the ground before charging at the two. Spectra and Luigi split up to avoid the oncoming Boo. Big Boo sailed past the tracks and made his way towards the center. Luigi shined his flashlight at Big Boo, causing him to freeze and cover his eyes. Since his eyes were covered, Big Boo didn't see the train coming. The drill dug into Big Boo causing him to pop and split into 7 Boos.

Spectra and Luigi quickly worked to get the Boos in the train cages. They managed to get 4 more Boos in the cages before the other 3 woke up. The Boos combined and reformed into Big Boo. Big Boo growled at the two.

"Split up! Make him confused!" Spectra said.

The two split up and ran around Big Boo.

"Hey! Over here!" Luigi called out gaining Big Boo's attention.

"No! Over here!" Spectra called out behind Big Boo, also gaining Big Boo's attention.

"No! Here!"

"Over here!" Luigi and Spectra called out repeatedly.

Big Boo kept going back and forth, trying to decide between Spectra or Luigi. Big Boo growled and started body slamming the ground, hoping to hit one or both of them. After the fifth slam Big Boo became dizzy. Spectra and Luigi saw their chance and ran to Big Boo. They used their poltergusts to pull on his tongue and began to aim.

"Hold... hold... NOW!" Spectra exclaimed.

They let go and Big Boo went flying towards the train. Big Boo collided with the drill, causing him to pop and seperate into 3 Boos. Spectra and Luigi got 2 Boos into the cages until there was only one left. Spectra gestured to the last Boo.

"He's all yours" Spectra said.

Luigi approached the last Boo. He pulled on it's tongue, carefully aimed, and launched him into the train cage.

"Yes!" Luigi cheered.

Just then the DS rang and Luigi answered it.


"Luigi! Spectra! That was definitely NOT King Boo! We tried to ambush him, but we ended up getting ambushed ourselves! But you both seem to be fine. Nice work, you two!" E.Gadd said.

"Good jobs aside, I'm afraid there's still no sign of Mario" Spectra said.

"Don't you worry, Luigi - we'll find him. Hold on. I'll try to get you both out of there" E.Gadd said before hanging up.

Luigi put away the DS. A nearby pixelator pixelated Spectra and Luigi. The pixels traveled to their destination. Spectra and Luigi reassembled in the Bunker.

"Spectra! Luigi! You ok, youngsters?" E.Gadd asked.

"We're ok, professor" Luigi said.

"I can't believe King Boo pulled a fast one on us like that" Spectra said.

"I should have known. He probably staged the security image to lure you both there! It's just like I told you, eh, youngsters? Boos always spell trouble, especially when they gang up. But those Boos won't be bothering us anytime soon. They were still trapped in that train when I brought you back... but I made a quick tweak to the pixelator and sent them all down to the vault!" E.Gadd said.

"Heh heh! Suckers!" Spectra chuckled.

"But King Boo is still out there, and this won't end until we defeat him" E.Gadd said.

"How did he even escape from his portrait in the first place?" Luigi asked.

"Hmm, maybe I shouldn't have sold it at that garage sale..." E.Gadd said.

"You did what?" Luigi asked while Spectra face palmed.

"Heh... Anyhoo... Take a breather, youngsters, but make it quick! Mario is counting on you, Luigi! And the ghosts are counting on you as well, Spectra" E.Gadd said.

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