Chapter Three (Part 2): I'm in a Dream For Sure

Start from the beginning

He waved his hand and flames erupted out of the crock. Then he waved again, muttering something and the flames diminished.

He covered his face with his hands. He smiled, embarrassed.

" a little excited," Curtis said optimistically. "Now... actually if you have a lot of time, would you mind helping me in clearing this?" He pointed at the slowly 'eroded-by-potion' table.

"Sir, I haven't mastered the cleaning enchantment yet; and so sorry, Sir, but we've got an urgent assignment to complete."

Michael rushed towards the stairs followed by Grace. They had nearly turned around the corner when Michael bumped into someone.

"Michael! How're you? And where are you?" The girl asked.

"I'm good. I'm good," Michael said.

"Anything... Michael?" Welsa said, scanning his wind-blown black hairs as if looking for a piece of hidden treasure.

"No, not really..."

"Michael! You've got grey hair!" Welsa almost shouted.

"O... Oh, oh yeah." He quickly changed his hair parting from right to left, in an attempt to hide the grey strands, but too late maybe.

"Maybe we can get you an Aproute. That'll help." She poked and picked one of his greying strands. 

"I've got one here." She rummaged through the contents of her side bag, thrusting a coke bottle, lipstick and mascara into Grace's hands in the process of emptying.

"Ah ha! Gotcha!" She smiled, brushing her hair out of her face. She looked at the jelly-filled bottle in her hands. Then suddenly her expression dropped into a sad smile. 

"No... this is not the one. Let me check your hair, Michael, she lunged forward once more towards Michael's head."

"Uh," Michael said, forcing her hand down and stepping clear. 'We have a new Enchantress. Maybe you can guide her till the Housery," he said as he carefully maintained his distance.

Welsa suddenly realized the presence of Grace of which she was completely oblivious till then. Grace looked closely at Welsa. She seemed to be around nineteen and she was wearing a neatly pinned uniform and had round-rimmed glasses perched on her cute nose tip. She looked at Grace through her broken glasses.

Grace, for the first time, realized how tall she was. Her eyes were tiny and had a soft look.

Despite her tight smile and confused demeanour, Welsa was the most confident of all, Michael communicated later on. Her circular glasses gave her an old-fashioned look.

"Umm...Michael, do I need to take orders from you? I'm saying 'yes' to you one last time, but not again. I'm the Captain, mind it,' Welsa said bossily with a light snort blowing away a strand of hair from her face.

"I love you, Welsa." That sibling bond was summarized in those plain three words.

Grace didn't like the idea of being left behind with a total stranger who seemed to be all set to boss Grace around.

Welsa started walking...and talking simultaneously.

"See girl... whoever you are, I want you to be disciplined. Discipline is the most important thing in Geventen. Myself Welsa Thomas, I'm the Captain for Geventen."

Grace lingered, falling behind, as she dragged her feet slowly and reluctantly, not keen on following this bossy girl. "Hi Welsa, I am ..."

"Yeah, yeah. We'll get to know in a minute who you are. Welsa impudently cut her short."

The Rose That Wilted - The Grace Grincen Series (Already Published on Amazon)Where stories live. Discover now