"Seriously?" Smitty and Jackson ask.

"Yeah, seriously. That means, Lopez, you're with Nolan. Okay. Happy hunting out there,"

"Have fun," Mirana says, patting Jackson on the back before leaving the briefing room.


"What's our problem spot?" Mirana asks Tim as she scrolls through her phone.

"You'll see when we get there," Tim replies. "Where did you go last night? You disappeared after your shift and you showed up at midnight"

"I was out with Lopez," Mirana says. "Wesley gave me a ride home"

"I'm glad he did," Tim says. "Do you remember falling through the front door? Or puking in one of the plant pots?"

"No, and I'd like to leave it that way, por favor," Mirana smiles at him as he parks the car. "Madam Medusa's Massage Menagerie? How is that even appealing? The decorations are feo"

"Because it's a cover," Tim says. "It's a front for soliciting"

"Given Medusa's story, the name's not great," Mirana says, getting out of the car.

"Medusa's story?" Tim asks.

"You don't know it?" Mirana asks. "Why are you putting on gloves?"

"That place could be rife with STDs," Tim says. "If I had one in the shop, I'd wear a hazmat suit,"

"Are we arresting the prostitutes or the Johns?" Mirana asks as she pulls on gloves.

"Which would you arrest?" Tim asks.

"The Johns," Mirana replies. "These women are trying to get by. Usually, they have families to feed and bills to pay. If we arrest them, they could face 6 months in prison and a $1000 dollar fine"

"Why does that matter?" Tim asks.

"Because once they're out of prison, they'll have no other choice but to come back here or another 'massage parlour'," Mirana explains, pushing open the door. "No es justo"

"So we'll arrest the Johns," Tim says. "Most of them will be posh businessmen so expect attempted bribery paperwork too"

"Can I help you, officers?"

"Yes, we've received reports of solicitation occurring in this building," Tim says.

"If I see you twitch towards that button, we're gonna have a problem," Mirana says to the woman. "Today, we're here for the Johns but I have no problem arresting you too"

"You got a warrant?" The woman asks and Tim holds it out to her. "Fine but make sure you don't hurt my girls. Through the back"

"We're arresting her too right?" Mirana asks.

"Yep," Tim grabs his radio. "7-Adam-19, need additional units at Madam Medusa's Massage Menagerie. We are only here for the Johns today and the owner of the establishment. Requesting additional units for transport"

"Copy that, 7-Adam-19,"

"Show 7-Adam-15 responding,"

Mirana and Tim walk through the door to see small cubicles lining the walls.

"LAPD!" Mirana shouts. "Everyone get dressed and come out!"

"Hands in the air!" Tim calls.

People begin to filter out of the cubicles. The prostitutes are in silky robes and Mirana watches as they all huddle together.

"I want all of the customers to line up on the left!" Mirana calls. "Ladies, you are to leave this establishment as soon as possible as it is now closed for business. Meanwhile, all of you-"

Mirana points at the men lining the wall.

"You're all under arrest for violation of Penal Code 647(b)(2)," Mirana says as officers filter into the room.

"Nicely done," Tim says.

"Why thank you," Mirana replies, watching as the men get rounded up. "Carlos?!"

"Hermanita!" Mirana's brother grins at her.

"We've got this one," Tim says to Angela who nods.

Tim leads Carlos to the police car and Mirana turns to face him. Carlos leans against the car, a sheepish grin on his face.

"What the hell were you thinking?" Mirana snaps. "Imbécil!"

"I can explain," Carlos says.

"I can't wait to hear this," Tim says.

"Well, go ahead, explain," Mirana demands, her arms crossed over her chest.

"It's not what you think," Carlos stammers. "I was just... curious. I heard about this place and thought it might be interesting to see what happens inside."

"That is your defence?" Mirana laughs. "You solicit a hooker and that's the best lie you can come up with?"

"Okay, so I may have solicited a hooker," Carlos rolls his eyes. "What's the big deal?"

"Carlos, you are in handcuffs and about to be loaded into the back of a police car," Mirana says. "That is the big deal!"

"I was lonely-"

"Go on a dating app, go to a bar!" Mirana exclaims throwing her hands up. "Anything but soliciting a hooker! Are you here legally?"



"Yeah," Carlos nods and Mirana rubs her temples.

"They can deport you!" She exclaims. "Why are you even back in the States?"

"Well, you only wanted me out of the States because our father might find you-"

"No, the reason I didn't want you here is because you wrecking ball into my life by doing stupid shit!" Mirana snaps.

"Lopez!" Tim calls. "On second thought it's best you take him. Give us Medusa"

"You good?" Angela asks Mirana who nods. "Want me to call Wes?"

"Yes please, he's here on a Visa," Mirana says. "ICE will have a field day"

"Of course," Angela smiles at her before leading Carlos away.

"I could kill him," Mirana mutters to Tim. "How could he be so stupid?!"

"I suppose you could argue the whole nature and nurture debate," Tim shrugs.

"No, what I need right now is for my boyfriend," Mirana points at him. "To agree that my brother is a fucking moron"

"Hey, you know who's a fucking moron? Carlos, Carlos is a fucking moron,"

"We'll work on it, but it's sweet you tried,"

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