Maxie, who had picked up a piece of chicken as first, frowned at the praise the other little had gotten.

Looking at his fork, he let the chicken hang on it and grabbed some of the veggies with his hand and stuffed them in his mouth, frowning at the texture, but he wanted to make Braddy proud of him too.

"Oh, Maxie, you got a fork, sweetheart," Brad said, and Maxie's face fell at the words, and he stared at the chicken on there, feeling a little confused about how else he could start with his veggies when there had already been meat on his fork.

"Sorry," the little said after a moment, pulling of the chicken with his hand and using his fork to try and eat the vegetables, holding the piece of chicken tightly in his hand.

It was difficult to get the food on the fork though. He couldn't prick the veggies, and when he tried to scoop them and bring them to his mouth, they fell off and made a mess of his bib. He wanted to pick them up, but one hand was holding his fork and the other the chicken, and it was all a little too confusing for his headspace.

"Here, let me help you," Brad said, taking over his fork and helping Maxie clean up a bit first. The caregiver took the piece of chicken that Max had squished in his hand and put it to the side, before holding another piece up to his mouth.

Maxie opened his mouth, glad that the caregiver was helping him out, but when he saw Lando eating without help on the other side of the table, it made him feel bad again.

One of these days, Brad was just going to decide he was too much work, and demand that someone else take care of Maxie. He just hoped that Red bull paid the man enough that it wouldn't be immediately.

Dinner went with no other mishaps, just everyone finishing up the food before Lando had to go wash his hands, and Brad took out a wash cloth for Max, needing to clean a little more than Lando.

"So, what do you guys want to do now?" Brad asked, helping Max from the chair. The little blinked, and then went up to Charles, almost ignoring Lando.

"Want to play cars," Maxie said, looking at the caregiver. Charles had played cars with him before. When his dad had still been around, and he didn't have Braddy to take care of him.

"Is that okay with you, Lando?" Charles asked, trying to involve the other little and hoping that the two wouldn't have a fight.

"Yeah. Cars sound good," Lando said, and Charls smiled.

"Alright, why don't you go take them Maxie, we can race," Charles said, and Maxie nodded, pulling Charles with him before he unburied his tin box with dented play cars.

It was a difficult play moment, every time that Lando asked something, and Charles focused on him, Maxie had been tugging his arm, asking for attention, and it seemed like both littles were suddenly focused on him instead of on each other.

"Why don't the two of you pick a car, and race?" Brad asked, coming to sit on the couch near them, seeing both littles were raising their voices to get Charles attention.

"Okay," Lando easily said, even when Maxie went slower to his box, letting Lando rummage through it first and taking an orange car out of it, grinning, and sitting to the side, waiting until Maxie chose.

The little sat in front of it, staring at all the cars. He normally had a favourite one, but he wanted to show Charles that he was the better little for the caregiver.

"The Ferrari, nice choice," Charles said with a grin when the little took the red car and started to play with Lando.

"Come on Maxie, let's go full speed," Lando said, and Maxie nodded. They continued to play, and he managed to forget that he was trying to show himself off and just enjoy himself.

"They're playing nicely," Charles said, gratefully sitting next to Brad. It was fun to play with the littles, but he wasn't sure how to divide his attention yet. It would be easier when it was just Max, who was with them, but Lando had been very good though.

"They are," Brad answered, resisting the urge to put his arm around Charles shoulders, too aware of Lando there and noticing that there might be something more between him and the driver.

"I'll guess I'll be going when it's bedtime," Charles said, a small frown on his face. He didn't want to go, but he could hardly justify sharing a bed with Brad while Lando was still around.

"I guess," Brad said, also feeling unhappy, "you want to give Max's bottle?"

"Yeah, if he doesn't mind that," Charles said, glad that the caregiver didn't mind sharing.

"No, he's been very clingy to you today, so I think he would love it," Brad said, the pink of his hand just softly touching Charl's upper leg, softly stroking in a subtle way.

He saw Charles move his hand, and felt his pink grazing Brad's hand, and the large caregiver couldn't help but grin at the small token of affection.

Maxie was crawling behind his car and stopped for a second when he started to pee, sitting on his hands and knees until he felt that he was done, before crawling further, grabbing the car.

Yawning a little, he let it drive to the other side, and just sat back, feeling too tired to move.

"Hey Maxie, I'm going to win if you stop now," Lando said with a grin, looking behind him and not slowing down at all, too energetic.

"I think it's getting a little late now," Brad said, getting up and patting Maxie's head, the little smiling sleepily at him. His hand reached lower, and softly squeezed the crotch, feeling the wetness of the diaper, "I think we might just need a dry diaper and a bottle now."

"Yes, bottle," Maxie said, grinning at the mention.

"That reminds me, Lando, do you need to use the potty?" Brad asked, and the little's eyes widened when he looked down at his crotch.

"Uhm, yes," Lando said, jumping up and running towards the bathroom in urgency.

"I'll follow him," Charles said, moving after Lando and entering the bathroom while Brad picked up the frowning Maxie, who was staring at the bathroom door, and went to fix his bottle already.

"You think Lando likes a bottle too?" Brad asked, managing to get Max's attention.

"Uhm. Danny gave a sippy cup," Maxie said, remembering that Lando didn't had a bottle when he had stayed over.

"Alright. Then we'll make you a nice bottle, and Lando a sippy cup," Brad easily said, "and then we'll do a story. Charles asked if it was okay if he did the bottle?"

"Oh, can he?" Maxie said, a smile on his face, "and Braddy story?"

"That seems like a good idea," Brad said, giving Max a kiss and finishing up the milk.

"So, good thing we had the pull-up," Charles remarked, seeing it lying on the floor together with Lando's pants, obviously having been used.

"Only a little bit," Lando said, and Charles nodded, picking it up and throwing it away. It wasn't soaked, but it was clear that Lando would have gotten wet pants if he hadn't been wearing it.

He waited until Lando finished peeing, before making sure all droplets were gone and helped him into a clean pull-up and together they went to find Max and Brad, ready to put the two littles to bed, and Charles regretted the fact that he couldn't stay.

Soon. Soon, he would be able to stay. He just needed to have some patience. 

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