"Cola please." Dahyun asked.

"Me too." Sana called.

"Okay." Nari smiled as she picked up her card and made her way outside the room.

She walked slowly, taking her time now that they were done with their performance. She went to the bathroom and as soon as she was finished, she made her way to the vending machine. To her surprise, she met some of her seniors. Actually, it wasn't supposed to be that surprising as idols actually interact behind the cameras. The identity of those seniors surprised her the most.

 She managed to bump to the famous 3racha.

"If it isn't my doppelganger." Han teased as soon as Nari arrived at the vending machine. It was a famous fact that Nari and Han kept on getting linked to each other. Even before debut, their names have always been said in the same sentence as aces. 

Nobody would have expected this was their first ever interaction with the way they have gotten so comfortable to the point of teasing each other. The awkward atmosphere easily disappeared.

Nari returned the same energy. "Shouldn't one of us have fainted by now?"

Silence was heard before they erupted in laughter. "Wow, I would have expected you to ignore us and do the senior-junior thing." Bangchan chuckled.

"Would you like me to do that, Chris?"  Nari spoke in English. Bangchan chuckled once again before shaking his head. Bangchan and Nari have actually interacted a few times for work and music purposes. It was their first-time meeting casually.

"It's a bit scary how Han and Nari are similar." Changbin added.

"Well, the only difference is Han has a scary Minho tailing behind his back." Bangchan rolled his eyes.

"What makes you think Minnie isn't doing the same to Nari?" Changbin retorted.

Nari's world stopped at the mention of his name. She was right there, standing with three of his members. The one he works out with, his only hyung, and his most famous ship. Her mind quickly remembering the moments they have spent together. She was so close to him yet so far at the same time. 

"Order anything, my treat." Changbin smiled.

Nari sent him a teasing look in which he only shrugged in return. "I owe you one. Call me if you need a fourth opinion." She winked as she left with her colas.

3racha exchanged looks before they turned around as they heard one of their members approaching.

"Minho hyung! Are we about to perform?"


Fortunately, Nari forgot most of the interaction. She was distracted enough to not write another song about him. As they were called to guest on that one karaoke thing at the building.

"Sing this! Sing this!"

A mic was suddenly shoved in her hands as she was pushed to sit on the chair inside the booth. To her amusement, blood, sweat, and tears began to play.

On the female pitch.

The song was already high-pitched to begin with and putting it on female pitch made it even higher. That wasn't Nari's problem, no. The thing is, she has been singing this song for years already.

It is common knowledge for their fandom, Luminaries, that Nari produced the song. They like it whenever she sings songs she produced. Nari would make a smart retort by saying 'I'll just sing our songs then' but Luminaries would outsmart her at times.

She began singing the song. She did not even need lyrics at this point, so she went out of the booth and began dancing.

"Unnie, let me show you the original choreography for this song."

Nari danced, with the mic on her other hand. She sang effortlessly, hitting the high notes without a hint of discomfort. She began to dance the original choreography that was made for two people. 

Once she was finished, she did not even bother to check the score.

"Wah! Congratulations, Nari! 100 points!" Dahyun greeted her.

"Not that it's ugly but why did the dance seem empty?" Minnie asked.

"That's because it was meant to be danced by two people."

As soon as everyone finished, Lumina left, only for a certain boy group to replace them.

"Hyung! Let's do hype boy."

a/n: our exams are finally finished meaning I can be more active! 

Thank you for the support you have given this book so far!!

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