🔞 Steve and a Vampire (Part 3)

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The next day

I was awoken by people entering the cell area. When I open my eyes I'm greeted by Tony with a disappointed look on his face, and Loki.

My eyes were filling up with tears that threatened to fall.

"You know why you're down here right," He sounded disappointed, which did not help my tears.

Tears started to stain my cheeks, dirt running down my face.

"Yes, I'm aware,"

"Can you tell me exactly what happened," Tony asked. I look over to Steve to find he's still asleep.

"Ya, so after you told me on the comms the Steve was not responding, I found him with a stab wound and multiple bite marks -"

"How many different bite marks would you say," Tony interrupted.

"Around three to four different bite marks, and he had already lost so much blood, I should've -"

"What is the percentage of a vampire bite turning the victim into a vampire,"

"About forty to fifty percent chance. So they wanted to turn him." I sigh imagining how much pain he was in before I got there. "I'm sorry I wasn't there I could stopped this,"

"Ya, you could've," Tony said disappointment and anger laced in his words.

"Shut up, Tony," Everyone was taken a back when Loki said this.

"I'm telling the truth, unlike you who just think everything is fine and is totally not bothered that your boy toy said 'I love you' to another dude. At least I'm not lieing to my self at night like you are." Tony said before leaving. I looked at Loki and saw that he had a blood bag with him.

He's looking down ward avoiding me, is he upset at me. I've explained my situation to him before. "Loki," I cry out.

"Just don't worry about" He said as he put the blood bag a couple feet away from me.

" Loki. . . I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen -"

"Just don't worry about it, ok." He said storming off.

"Fucking fantastic," I say sarcasticly.

I moved the blood bag over by me still not able to grab it with my hands with them pinned above my head.

A few minutes later the guards came down with what was supposed to be blood bags. One of them came over to me and took the chains off of my hands, I grabbed the bag and started sucking on the bag.

Less then five minutes later I was coughing up blood and couldn't breath. I saw Steve wake up and reach for the blood bag in front of him. I quickly and in between coughs I tell him not to drink it.

"No. . . It's. . . Poisonous," I say hitting my chest to hopefully allow me to breathe.

"HELP PLEASE HELP, LOKI HELP. SOMEONE, PLEASE HELP" Steve was screeming and yelling for help. I turned and looked at the bag Loki had brought earlier and tried so hard to grab it.

I could feel my throat starting to close up.

No no no, I don't want to die no no no no,

My claws extended as I scrap my neck at a desperate attempt to breath. I could feel every scratch penetrating my skin I can the blood run my skin. But as the darkness creeps across my vision all I can think about it Loki and Steve.

I'm sorry

A sweet metallic taste invades my nostrils, my vision still blank my body refuses to move.

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