🔞 Steve and a vampire

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"Hurry we have a code red, CODE RED," Tony yelled at everyone to start suiting up. A code red means more of the Queens children went on a non vegan hunting spree.

"Hurry people, we need people in the sky and on the ground," Steve said pointing toward me. "Your with me Izzy,"

"As always, Captain," I responded walking past him. I always like the way he says my name.

"Hurry, people are dying," Steve said clapping his hands.

Quickly changing to my tux with my magic. People always think my tux is useless, but it has a lot of uses to it. Throwing on my cape I hiss at the light.

"Are you ok," Steve asks after he heard me.

"Ya I'm fine, didn't think it would be this bright out," I answer fastening my cape around my neck, putting the hood over my head.

Suddenly being enveloped in shade I look toward Steve who is looking away.

"H-here you go," Steve said clearly embarrassed.

"Oh, thank you," I say reaching the ship.

"No problem,"

When we get to the destination everyone gets off the ship and sticks to the respective partner.

Running beside Steve I notice Natasha getting swarmed and Clint running toward his bow.

"Go," Steve yelled at me.

"What," I respond confused.

"Go help Nat and Clint,"

"Yes sir,"

Ten minutes pass and Nat and Clint are fine and fighting more vampires while I start heading back to Steve.

"Isreal," I hear Tony in the ear peice sounding scared.

"Yes Sir,"

"Are you with Steve,"

"No, he sent me to go help Nat and Clint,"

"Dammit Iz," Tony said panicked.

"What. . . Is he ok,"

"No he isn't Isreal,"

"Shit shit shit,"

"This is why we have the buddy system Isreal,"

"I'm sorry," I say remembering what happened when I was younger.

~~Mini Flashback~~

"Isreal, sweety do you know where May is,"

"No, do you want me to find her, Mummy," I asked the women that took me in and a young fledgling.

"That would be amazing," and so I'm on my way into the forest where she usually hangs out.

A few minutes go by and I start smelling blood, starting to panic I run as fast as I could. 

A corpse lays on the warm leafy colorfull forest ground. Seeing my sister laying on the ground completely still, her body opened up to reveal her intestines.

My breathing quickened as I stumble backward and run back to the house.

"Mummy, Mummy, help. . . Maymay needs help," I say sobbing. Mummy prys my hands off of her skirt before crouching infront of me.

"Izzy honey, calm down. . ." Mummy waited a couple seconds as my breathing and sobbing slowed down. "What happened to May, hun,"

"She's wed a lot of wed," I said trying to find the right words. "She's laying in the gwass,"

"Where is she," Mummy said in a stoic voice. "Take me to her," She said as she grabbed my hand and led me out the door.

"Ok, Mummy," I said wiping my tears and started walking to Maymay.

"What did you do," Mummy said when she say Maymay.

"What," I asked.

"This is your fault, May is dead because of you,"

"Dead, dead," My tears came back like a wild river.

~~End Flashback~~

"Isreal, Isreal,"

I turn and run as fast as I can to find Steve. Worry and anger taking over, running and killing every vampire I run into.

I stop right as I see him walking along a wall there. Tears start flowing down my cheeks.

I run up to him and hold his arm. "Are you ok,"

"Ya, just got hurt a little," He says falling to the ground. The smell of his blood contaminating the air.

"No your not," My fangs extending at the sight, I rip my cloak to cover his wound.

"No I'm not, I didn't want you to worry,"

"Well I am going to worry, I left you and now your hurt,"

"I told you to leave,"

"So we have buddy system for a reason,"

"I told you, I'd be fine,"

"Well your not, what happened,"

"Nothing, I'll be fine,"

"No you won't your bleeding out,"

"That's for the best,"

"What are you talking about," I ask confused.

"I don't know," he says as he tilts his head to the side exposing a couple bite marks.

"NO. . . No no nonono,"

"Ya, that's what I thought,"

I start panicking. "How long ago did you get bit,"

"An hour,"

"I'm going to have to suck the venom out,"

"What will that do,"

"It will stop you from dying but you'll still turn,"

"Goddammit," Steve said throwing his head back with a groan.

"Goddamm, you don't want to be a vampire?"

"I mean part of it is that, mainly I don't want those basterd vampires to turn me,"

"If you want I could suck out the venom amd then bite you, it'll still turn you. It won't hurt as much as the other bites,"

"Sure I'd like that, I'd rather you turn me instead of those basterds,"

"Oh ok," I could feel my face heat up from the flattery. Slowly creeping toward him I can feel the hunger burning and getting worse the closer I get. Ok all I have to do is suck out the venom and then bite him. Easy peasy. I know it won't be that easy.

"Are you ok," He asks.

"Oh uh ya," When I put my mouth over the array of wounds my fangs ached to be in his skin.

I could slightly hear Steve groan when I started sucking out the venom of the other vampires. After a while he relaxed no longer in pain from the venom.

"Are you sure you want me to bite you,"

"Yes if that means you turned me and the other vampires didn't,"

"Ok it'll hurt for a little bit,"

"I don't care just do it,"

And with the go ahead I opened my mouth wide and bit down on the crook of his neck.

"You won't remember this, so I love you," I whisper ever so quietly into his neck.

I was entranced by the sweet taste of his blood flowing into my mouth. Soon for a harsh flavor knowing it's the other vampires venom. I only stop sucking the blood until I know for sure that the blood sucking basterds venom is out of Steve.

After a while I heard a soft moan escape from Steve's lips.

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