🔞 Bucky's run

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I woke up in the middle of the night due to a nightmare. Usually, I can't go back to sleep afterward, so I take this time to go running.

I had lost my leg from getting run over by a train and was experimented on similar to what happened to Bucky, but mine was with the red room. I had even been given a version of the super-soldier serum.

After calming down from the nightmare I put on some shorts and a crop top. After I was done changing I looked in the mirror disgusted with the scar conjoining the black metal of my prosthetic leg and my skin. They had connected the leg along my hip bone.

I made my way to the track after convincing myself that no one would be there, I was wrong. Once I opened the gate I saw Bucky running and thought it was ok. I made my way over the track and stretched a bit and started jogging around the track.

"On your right," I said as I passed Bucky. A couple of minutes pass and I lap him again. "On your right," I said chuckling a little. "On your right," I said lapping him once again.

Once I go to lap him one more time. "Don't say it, don't say it" Bucky says shaking his head in disappointment.

I look at him and smirk. "On your right," I say speeding up a little bit more. I look back at him to see him chuckle and smile. Once I get near him again he turns and speeds up as fast as he can, I match his speed without much difficulty. I lap him a couple more times at the new speed with him protesting every time I do.

Once he looks back he throws his head back and sighs. "On your- ahh" I was cut off by him picking me up by my waist.

"Where'd you get your leg," He asked carrying me back to the compound.

I was shocked. My mind was flooded with the memories of me learning how to use it after getting my body back after years of torture. A single tear crept down my cheek before being tossed in the water.

"Ahh" I let out a scream before I hit the water. I gasped for air while swimming to land. "What the hell was that for"

All he did was raise an eyebrow. "Ok, maybe I deserved it," I said getting out of the water. When I got out of the water I took my leg off at the knee to empty the water, he looks shocked. "When I submerge my leg in the water, it fills below the knee with water so I won't float. It was so I could complete my missions with more ease. I was their ghost story, they needed to keep me hidden" I explained looking down.

He knelt down to my level and kissed my forehead. "It's alright I was used in the same way" I looked down and blushed at his proximity.

He followed my eyes and tilted his head in confusion. "Sia, where are your shoes"

"I don't like shoes," I said chuckling.

"So you lapped me so many times barefoot," He said with a smirk.

"Ya, I have pretty good endurance" He looked away and chuckled.

"Doll, that wasn't just endurance that was speed as well" My face grew red at the nickname. "If you want I can show you endurance" He winks at his own question.

"How would you do that, run with me. But weren't we already doing that" After I said this he grabbed my leg out of my hand and picked me up, throwing me over his shoulder.

"You need a shower, that water was disgusting"

"Then why'd you throw me into it," I asked slightly struggling in his grip.

"You know the answer to that" He replied.

"No, that's why I asked". He never gave me an answer, I slowly stopped struggling altogether and was hanging off of his shoulder.

We made it to my room and he threw me on the couch so as to not make my bed dirty. "Can I have my leg back please"

"Sure," he said as he handed me the bottom half of my leg.

"Thank you," I say as I make my way to the bathroom with the rest of my leg attached. Before I close the door I feel very alone.

I bite my lower lip knowing exactly what will happen and for some reason just the thought alone makes my heart beat faster and cherry pink dust my cheeks.

"Would you like to join me?" I say through the cracked door, but instead of waiting for a response I quietly slammed the door shut and got ready for the shower.

I have been sitting on my knees for a couple of minutes feeling the boiling hot water hitting my bareback. The solitude was smoothly interrupted by the bathroom door opening and shutting quietly. After hearing clothes drop on the floor for what felt like an eternity my breaths hitched with every drop of cloth. Until finally the shower curtain gets peeled back allowing most of the light to peek through the clear shower doors.

As the shower doors opened I could feel the cold air rush in and hug my scar-covered back. As he stepped in the stream of water had moved from my back. The cold enveloped my back once again. He's naked, of course, he's naked he's in the shower. I'm naked. Wow, I really asked for this didn't I. I feel my cheeks heat up at the panicked thoughts. After I got my thoughts to calm down I stand up using the wall to keep my balance. I usually take the lower leg off when I take a shower because it's a pain to empty the water, but this time that was not the brightest idea. After a little bit of me standing there, I finally build up the courage to turn around without slipping and making a fool of myself. 

I successfully turn around and immediately scan over his well-toned body. my eyes dart to his scar almost identical to mine, I start tracing over my scar, welded to the skin. Bucky notices this and takes the step that closes the gap between us, he's hugging me but using his metal arm to hold the wall. "Why won't you touch me with your right arm,"

"I don't want to hurt you" his voice comes out low and raspy. I could get used to his whisper. 

"You won't hurt me, I trust you" I reply tracing over his scar. He wraps his arm around me and picks me up against the wall with his left metal arm holding my fleshy leg up and his right arm pinning me as if I had a leg touching the ground, he left my left metal leg alone since I had taken half of it off and couldn't walk on it. 

My face flushed red partly because there was no gap between our bodies. I could feel something rubbing my right inner thigh. I put my head against the wall just to be brought back down my Bucky's hand on my chin. "Do you want this?" He asked. Is he that dense? I nodded in response. "Say it"

"P-please, James"


I don't feel like writing the rest right now. But I don't doubt that you can imagine what the rest is like.

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