Hot Demon Bitxhes

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As I listen to the song full blast through my earbuds not being able to hear anything around me, I get startled by a certain someone.

"Ahh" I scream as I rip my earbuds out of my ears. I hear the song through the earbuds given they are not in my ears. Where is my phone. I start panicking quickly running around to find my phone when I can't find it Kaneki held up my phone from his pocket. "It's not what is looks like, I promise"

"So your not listening to Corpse," he says looking at my phone. Dammit I shouldn't have let him put his fingerprint in my phone. "Damn"

"Ok, I guess it is what it looks like" I say as I kick my phone out of his hands. I catch it in mid-air and as I turn away to run for my life his kagune grabs me by my horn causing me to yelp as my feet tried to continue running. He lifts me up using his kagune. "What do you want" I say folding my arms and looking away. He sets me down and uses his kagune to make me look at him, he changes his eye to a kakugan. I grow out my horns more as a joke of who could be more intimidating.

"I called your name several times"

"And how many would that be" I interrupted him just to be a little shit. He used his kagune to pin me against the wall.

"Many, I wanted to see if you wanted to come eat with me"

"Sure I'll come, thanks for the offer"

"Nope I'm going by myself" he said as he let me go.

I quickly follow up behind him and out the door.

"So where are we going tonight,"

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