Loki's Hair

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"Love, we got to get up" I hear a sweet voice mutter a threat. I groan in protest as I am awakened by my boyfriend.

"Five more minutes" I say slowly swatting the perpetrater away.

"I made breakfast for you, I'll be in the bathroom brushing my hair"

"Ok" I groaned in defeat. The perpetreater won with the sweet lore of bacon and eggs.

After I get up I change into the outfit for the day and go eat the breakfast that Loki made for me.

~Time Skip~

I make my way to the bathroom and see that Loki is still brushing his hair.

"Frosty, do you need help with your hair" I chuckled silently from behind.

"No, I am a god, there is nothing you can do that I can't do" He huffed in anger, which just made me chuckle.

"Ok" I shrugged as I sat down on the chair next to him. After a minute of him struggling he stopped and stared at me.

"Do you need help now" I asked folding my arms.

"Please, I don't know what's wrong with my hair today" He continues on about how his hair is so knotty today, as I'm trying to get through a knot.

"Did you use conditioner" I ask skeptically.

"Yes, what kind of question is that. Of course I used conditioner" Loki stated like it was an obvious question.

I growl in frustration as I brush into yet another knot.


"Sorry" I paused huffing in defeat.

"What's wrong"

"I'm gonna have bring out the big guns"

"What are you going to use then"

"You'll see" I say while grabbing a spray bottle and heading to the shower. After I add some conditioner into the spray bottle I head back over to Loki.

After drowning his hair in the mixture, it finally relented and I could brush through it running into a knot every now and again.

"How do you have this knowledge"

"Knowledge of what"

"Getting rid of the knots in my hair"

"Oh, my parents weren't around much when we were younger" I say still brushing his hair.


"Oh me and my younger sister"

"Oh so the God of Death has a sister"

"Hehe ya, that sounds kinda unlikely doesn't it"

"So does she have a title"

"The Goddes of Misfortune, what are you gonna dump me for her"

"What no, why would I do that"

"I have no clue" I pause suddenly curious if he has any gel. "Do you have any gel" I asked looking around the vanity.

"No, what on midgard is that"

"Than what do you use to slick back your hair" I ask curiously looking back toward Loki. I slightly see a green mist disappear from his hair.

He teleported in front of me and put a finger in front of his mouth. "Secret"

I could feel the heat flood across my cheeks. That was so hot.

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