Part 63

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Maekar's Pov, 

Looking at the army of death and not just well what looked to be once humans, but also animals, giants and I think just everything he could find at this moment I take a deep breath. They still outnumber us nothing will change that, but with the Dragons, The Targaryen's, Starks and the mythical creatures we have a chance. 

Hearing some horses move forward as I soon see them stand beside me from the corner of my eye I look towards the man next to me. Before Jaime rides next to him with slight wide eyes. "I don't even wish to know, Jason." He says with a shake of his head and I nod my head in agreement. 

"You've grown old Lannister." The man speaks. "When this battle's done I mean to call a council. Changes will be made. I meant to do it long ago, but . . . well, it does no good to speak of roads not taken. We shall talk when I return. Where the last words I spoke you....... many things have changed since then."

"And you did not return." Jaime says and I look between the two, that's Rhaegar Targaryen?! "When the battle is won, we can speak." Rhaegar says as he looks at me and I give him a tiny nod. 

Stepping forward as I turn around and look once again at the many faces, not only the dead that are well not dead anymore? Like are they back back? Or only for the battle? But also at the mythical creatures, at the men who are here fighting.... at the few women..... at my wife I take a deep breath. 

"My brothers and Sisters. I see in your eyes the same fear that would take the heart of me! A day may come, when the courage of men fails, when we forsake our friends and break all bonds of family, but it is not this day! An hour of wolves and shattered shields when the age of men comes crashing down! But it is not this day! This day we fight! By all that you hold dear on this good earth, I bid you, stand, men of the West!" I yell and soon everything roars and cheer while Rhaegal lands beside me and I run my hand down his scales. 

Seeing a horse gallop over I climb on top of it as I hold my sword in my hand. "Today will be a red day! But the sun will rise again for us! For Westeros! This is where we stand! This is where we fight! Ride for Westeros! Ride for it's people! Ride for life! Winter has come and it will be greeted with Fire and Blood!" I yell as I let the horse gallop up and down the line while the cheering get's louder and louder. 

"For Westeros!" I yell and soon the horns go off. 

"For Westeros!" 



Is being yelled as the dragons take flight and I let my eyes move after them, but my eyes seem to focus on mostly only one..... Drogon who carries my wife on his back right now while Viserion and Rhaegal stay close to her. 

Taking a deep breath I soon see the dead start to run our way making me turn towards the Sea Dragons. "Destroy the ice behind them when the time is right..... there will be no running, this is it." I say and I think one of them gave me a nod before they move back into the ice-cold water. 

"Dracarys." I say before the horn is being heard again and just a sea of flames emerges from the dragons that fly over the army of the Night King that's being blown up right now but 40 dragons won't kill 5 million. 

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